
How do you become a true master of the bowstaff?

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How do you become a true master of the bowstaff?




  1. No one is a MASTER at anything. But if you want to know properly you should take kung fu

  2. practice, grasshopper

  3. Learn from a good instructor and then practice hard for 30 years. There are no shortcuts.

    edit in response to bigbad's answer - A telephone pole does not move the way an opponent would, and is fine for learning to keep control of the weapon, but not for actually learning how to fight with one. I also advise against making up your own kata, unless you just want to look cool, but neither of these will let you become a master. It is also just bo not bow.

    Thanks whomever for the thumbs down.

  4. Start with learning to spell bo staff.

    Then get an instructor and practice, practice, practice.

  5. To first step to take in become a master of the "bowstaff" is to finish kindergarten.  Go to middle school , help your parents wash dishes and fold laundry.  Then go to High school, get a part time job during summer break.. save your money and join a Okinawan dojo that teaches kobudo.

  6. Go to Lansing, Michigan and study under Sensai IHA

  7. Why become one, nobody fights on the street w/ Bo's, for the purpose of art, I say ok, if you've got that kind of time. Myself I work empty hand only and how to disarm attackers. This is what you will likely face on the street. Weapons training can enhance empty hand, but your talking about starting very young, the whole thing is time and effort of course.

    Yes he can Raven, just trying to save him some time.

  8. Hi there

    Simply put learn how to use your body first without any weapons. Then learn the weapons arts. Then incorporate the two together so you move as one making any weapon just an extension of your own natural movement.

    Train in the arts that later study the Bo. There are plenty of them around both Chinese and Japanese. Depends which direction you want to go in and whether you want fighting techniques or martial flair! Kobudo jutsu teaches you how to fight with a weapon. XMA teaches you showmanship. The styles arts are worlds apart! Bo twirling is fine as long as you understand the fighting application of it. Otherwise you might as well be stood at the front of the marching band!

    Oh and if you're a westerner don't call yourself a master. Its very disrespectful and embarrassing.

    Best wishes


  9. You must seek guidance from the one known as Master Splinter

  10. I practiced every day hitting telephone poles. Thats what I did when I was training with the bo. Maybe make up your own "forms" and practice them.

    Also, practice with someone else. They dont necessarily need a bo, they can use a shenai.

  11. Practice, practice and more practice.

    Hey pama42, the guy can learn whatever he wants to, it is his choice. He is asking how to become good at the bowstaff, not asking you about what would a street fighter do.

    "Tommorrows victories are won from today's practice" - samurai maxim.

  12. The only way to master the bo is to study under someone that is truly a master of it.

    NOTE:  Not to criticize anyone but the staff is called a Bo, not Bo Staff. Bo means stick. Saying Bo staff is the same as saying stick staff.  Also when talking about more than  one Bo, you do not put an "s" on the end of the word. The word Bo can mean one or many, depending on how it is used in a sentence.  Example: He has several Bo.

  13. Learn and practice.

    What's a bowstaff anyway?

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