
How do you become an Army Ranger?

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How do you become an Army Ranger?




  1. After you join, you have to go to Army Airborne school. And learn how to become a paratrooper. Then if you want you can go to Army Ranger school and you will go through some of the most toughest training in the world. But I personally think it'd be worth it.  

  2. Enlist in the army in the 11 series MOS and get a Ranger contract. You'll need a security clearance and get/stay in shape. There are other MOS in the Rangers, talk to the recruiter and he'll get you set up.

  3. You've got to enlist first, then go to Airborne school, then Ranger school.

  4. Ranger school has NOTHING to do with being a Ranger. Real Army Rangers go to RIP Ranger Indoc Program. RIP has a 75-85% failure rate. Soldiers who attend Have to be able to run 5 miles in less than 40 minutes, do more than 6 pull ups, over 50 push ups, and more than sixty sit ups. And do some many exercises that will give unbelievable muscle failure and still have to work more. Run until your legs burn then run some more.

    If You get into a Battalion you will have to stay in great physical shape. Run 5 miles in less than 38 minutes, do more than 12 pull ups, 80+  

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