
How do you become an animal scientist?

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How do you become an animal scientist?




  1. It depends on the specific field you want to get into.

    Start with getting a degree (probably an A.S.) in Biology, and then focus on what you want your bachelor degree in.

    Biology, Zoology, Wildlife biology, etc... will allow you to pursue a career as an animal scientist.

  2. Study at university probably. Subjects you could major in could be: zoology, veteranary science, biology, ecology...

  3. lets give an example, a more complicated (that way you can hop off the bandwagon when you feel) - say a paleo-ornithologist

    high school;

    biology, mathematics, chemistry, pref. physics or calculus

    2 years (senior)


    bach biological science with a minor in marine science

    side projects at this time; volunteer groups, bird watching organisations

    3-4 years

    in field work;

    zookeeping, nothing special, data collection/analasis

    2-3 years


    Bachelor of Ornithology (bird science) minor in paleontology

    on the side owrk; progress through ranks of bird watching/conservation organisations

    3-4 years

    in field work;

    more data analysis, releases, capture/tag system, do some of your own research projects

    2-3 years


    Honours in Ornithology and paleontology

    then.. life!

  4. Go to college and get degrees in biology, and any science that deals with animals.....

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