
How do you become cold hearted/compassion less as a man? (MALES ONLY)?

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Since I realized to become a good man is to be compassion less because someone once told me that what it takes to be great person in life as a man. For this reason, it will help him to make firm decisions for himself than for the majority and strive for excellent. In addition, I realized at 23 years old that humanity is not a good thing anymore because it will throw him off track of his destiny for greatness! If you either agree or diesagree then provide an lenghty explaination.




  1. Whoever told you that is stupid.  To be successful you must be pragmatic.  There are times when compassion benefits you, there are times when it hinders you.  To be successful you must make the most of your investments.  Invest compassion into those things that will benefit you.  Instead of championing every cause, only pick the ones that will help you.  Being pragmatic does not mean cold hearted or lacking in compassion.  Your friend is very VERY stupid.  I recommend beating him for trying to give you such foolish information.  When he looks upon you with shock and horror, shattered by betrayal, and pleas for mercy, tell him a cold hearted man, a man without compassion has no mercy.

  2. It's just like Mr. Burns once said on The Simpsons: "I’ll keep it short and sweet - Family. Religion. Friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business."

    Being a "good" man and being a successful man are rarely the same thing. In order to commit yourself to making the highest net financial gain, you must often sacrifice many of the traditional values our society is built upon.

    Often then the successful man will surround himself with the toy's he has manifested and try to find some happiness in them. For his 24/7 career devotion, they are the only sources of comfort he has left. But his yacht won't give him a hug when he's had a bad day, or know just what to give him as a great gag birthday gift.

    Some can be successful and "good" at the same time. But let's be realistic. It's rare.

  3. Patience and  politeness. and sweet and  quit  looking at the  ta ta's

  4. Why would you want to become so "evil" I say evil in quotation marks because the word evil is in the eye of the beholder, but in my eyes what you ask is to become evil.

    And on this point so is "good" so I hope you understand why whoever told you to become a "good" man is a complete opinionated idiot, I don't care if this man was you who told yourself. IT IS AN OPINION spell it with me OPINION, therefore I cannot properly answer your question except that I disagree. Why don't you ask the person who told you to become compassionless since he seems to know alot hmm? :)

  5. Im not a man, but I can tell you just think of all the wrong things that people have done to you. Accept the fact that you are in this world alone even if you have a million family members and "friends". No one sees anything from your point of view, they may understand your point at times and agree,but thats about it. You and you only stand in your shoes. The problem with the younger generation is you guys were fed some fairy tale version of the world. Mostly through tv where everything works itself out  and everybody loves each other. In reality its a dog eat dog world. Where the good dont always win, matter of fact most of the time they  loose. Money talks is so true.Look at people have gotten away with murder, literally because theyre rich and who cares? Nobody. People lie, steal, cheat, molest, abuse, kill and everything else all without remorse.This is reality.Basicly what Im saying is you can become heartless by just looking at the world we live in and telling yourself in order to survive and or stay on top you must be able to accept these things and basicly become numb to them.It will take more tactics than what Ive stated here to become desensitized.At this point  youll become a person who can lie through your teeth etc..just to accomplish your goals. When you do youll realize thats what everybody else was doing all along. Well successful people that is.Your life will be way less stressfull when you dont have to worry about virtue, right and wrong, peoples feelings etc..

  6. Experience life and get back to me in twenty or thirty years!

    Pffft! Humanity is all there is,mister. Get a grip on the fact no one is perfect and look for the best YOU CAN BE.

    Yah , I'm a woman-so?

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