
How do you become more "self possessed"?

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How do you become more "self possessed"?




  1. leave this planet or just do it to talk about i suppose is what people like to hear becuase no one can prove what or what you dont really belive but then what is really real doesnt even seem important to most people who talk about philosophy but cannoty become a plato becuase they dont want people to hear about it from a reliable sourse like a school text book,what is written next well a person wrote that if our universe did we would call it defective!001010010010010001001001

  2. ...greed, power and an egomaniac character...

  3. You don't let anyone control you at all,and you are in full control of you're actions and thoughts.That is self-possession.

  4. I think the concept of self possession can mean a lot of things, but for me it goes a little like this...

    If I can remember that individuality is an illusion manifested by the physical plane of existence to assist us in our functioning and development here, and if I stay in touch with the knowledge that I am connected to, a part of and an expression of our singular universal consciousness that is an infinite, expansive expression of pure love, I really don't have to worry about much else.


  5. I don't know but, sweetheart why would you want to?  Fulfillment is gained by expressing yourself outward toward others, not inward to 'self'!  Share with others all that you have to give and you will find the happiness you are seeking!  :D

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