
How do you become more self confident?

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Recently i have made a promise to myself that i am not going let people get to me. And by that i mean, Not care what people think! But i cannot help it. Recently at volleyball camp, ive noticed it. I actually care what people think about how good i am! i am not the best at camp because i do not have an overhand serve, but i have great underhand serve! I dunno. How to i overcome this fear of older teenagers and what they think about me?




  1. I have the exact same fear. Just think positivley and you will be fine.

  2. One they are all hatters Two they have no life. Don't worry about these older *****'s honey worry abouy yourself.

  3. You just try your best. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, because everybody makes them. And often, the lack of self confidence is to think that every thing we do is extremely important, and everybody is looking at us to judge. It isn't. Most of the time, people aren't even looking at us at all. And if they do and confront you, remind them that they make mistakes also. Nobody is perfect. Very important, don't lose your temper.

  4. hey, what helped me was kickboxing. If you feel physically stronger, you will automatically feel more confident. You know that you can physically hurt everybody who get's in you way (not that you will do so but it is just the idea that you can) This makes you feel emotional stronger.


    No matter how good you is you will always find somebody who will try to take you down ....

    so just believe in your self that you are good at what you do ... the rest leave it in the hands of whos more powerful then you ... GOD

    like the saying goes ... you do your best, and God will do the rest (wink)

  6. Just think POSITIVE and do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind!

  7. You are at a tough age, and what others think is very important to you right now.  There is nothing wrong with you - everyone your age is like that (even if they say they aren't).

    Ways to help yourself?  First of all, you have to understand that it is natural to compare yourself to others around you.  At camp, you are not going to have the same game as the other girls - everyone has different strengths.  But focus on yours.  That underhand serve - the pros use it when it can help!  There is nothing wrong with underhand serving at all!!  I play with some people that have very wicked underhand serves.

    Ask the person running the camp, and your coach when you get to school, what to work on, and what are your strengths.  A person can always build and excell their strengths, but will only be able to develop their "weaknesses" so far.  Take the feedback from your coaches as just that - feedback.  If you don't hear the "bad" stuff, you will never know what you need to work on.  Honesty hurts sometimes, but in the end, it will make you better, and you will find yourself enjoying things more.

    Just work on yourself, and don't worry about what the others think.  The older girls - watch and learn!  You will get better playing against and with those better than you!  Use them for that!  If they are judging, that is because they already think they are great, and they will have a harder time getting any better.  A good team mate will care enough to maybe give you some pointers.  Don't worry about them.  Remember - there is always someone better out there than everyone!  Just use the time and grow as a person and a player.

    Good luck!!

  8. You have to care about what your friends and close relatives think of you.  And you need to listen to their advice.  You don't know everything in life.  And you can always learn a thing or two from other people who have more or different experience than you do.

    But you don't have to care so much about what strangers or people who don't mean you well think.  Sometimes people say things just to put others down and make themselves feel superior as a result.  Their comments can be insincere and self-serving.

    Practice makes perfect in any endeavor.  And if you have some weakeness in volleyball,  then you need to practice at it until you become better.

  9. Great question.  The best way to build/maintain self confidence is to not dwell on your bad plays.  You need to focus on the next play and assure yourself that you are going to win the point.  the longer you think about your bad plays the worse you will play.  Before games, camp, and practices make sure you are reminding yourself of how good you are.  Think of your best hit, set, serve, etc. and remind yourself that you are the sh**!  No one can stop you if you do this.  Even if they do, it's only one play.  That's the great part about volleyball.  Every play allows an opportunity for you to redeem yourself.  Good luck

  10. Dude, you cant be what everone else wants you to be... you need to be you... that may be confident, that may be not, but its simple, when to have a discussion, just be yourself and let others know what you feel, you'll notice most people are understanding and will appreciate you for being an individual. Trust when i tell you that being outspoken is better that being shy...

  11. Play your game while coordinate with others. Once you are in glove, you will forget the worries and just enjoy your game. Nobody cares overhead or underhand serve as long as they are good and aggressive and good location. You will be fine, girl.

  12. All answers are good.  Practice and you will improve.  Don't let volley ball be the only thing of interest.  Get involved in volunteer work.  You could look into being a candy striper at a hospital, nursing home, tutoring young children.  Museums, woman's shelters etc.  Being involved with doing service will help a lot.  You can't help but feel good about yourself when you know you are helping someone.  You will be appreciated.  Just have fun playing volley ball,  Learn to laugh at yourself.  My grandson is small for his age an was lacking self confidence.  He worked as a volunteer at our local library.  It was unbelievable what it did for him.

  13. umm.

  14. just be yourself...


  16. understand sports, by that I mean understand that 85% or more of points scored in any sport is due to a mistake by 1 player or another. Almost all "runs" of points are do to a team not overcoming the initial mistake and losing focus.

    How to become more self confident:

    1. Realize everyone messes up and your not the only 1

    2. realize your human, and if another human can do something, then you can teach your body to do it as well

    3. move on from the mistakes IMMEDIATLY, but hang on to the correct plays forever.

    4. listen to your coaches, and make sure that you apply what they say, alot of the youth I coach forget what I said 3 seconds after hearing it...

    good luck, and keep up the underhand serve, all real coaches understand how important a player who can place their serve really is....

    I am running a course tonight wich has players aged from 8 to 45 and we are covering the underhand serve, so tell your coach how important it really is...

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