
How do you bet ur hair to grow faster and longer if ur black?

by  |  earlier

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i mean my hair is pretty long and it goes beyond my shoulders but i want to know how to make it grww faster and longer!! serious ques ppl




  1. I take gelatin. It is a vitamin that you can get at a drugstore, or anywhere that would sell vitamin substances. It is healthy for you and not some wacky drug. It helps hair and nails to grow!! I think that it works great. It will also help to strengthen your hair!

    Good Luck!

  2. biotin. its a vitamin that makes your hair and nails grow like crazy. trust me.

  3. trim it every 60 days and olive oil bath every week would do, just dont worn it out with a straightener.

  4. too many people have asked this same question;...;...;...;...

  5. put mayo in your hair

  6. simply take very good care of it, wash it at the least one or twice a week with a good deep conditioner. Try to stay away from using alot of hair products, just use the basics (shampoo, conditioner, a heat protecting product like biotin, and maybe a moisture cream if you need it). Try not to heat style your hair often, blow drying and flat ironing your hair too can really damage it over time try to only do that when you feel you really need too. Trim your ends often. Also just eat healthy, take vitamins, both vitamin E and Biotin are good for hair health and growth. African American hair really doesn't grow any different from any other hair, the key to having nice long hair no matter what you hair type is, is to just take very good care of it

  7. Massage your scalp every day for like 5 minutes. Use either your fingertips, knuckles or a massager. That promotes blood flow to your head which is how your hair grows.

    You can also buy prenatal vitamins. Even if you're not pregnant, they help you stay healthy while helping your hair and nails grow.

  8. Get an Aphogee treatment once every month (it helps to strengthen your hair, and it's so powerful that you can't use it more than once a month), and try using the shampoos that stimulate your scalp.  And make sure to trim your hair once in a while, to get rid of the split ends.

    The olive oil products work wonders in helping your hair grow.

    Don't try products like Doo-Gro, I tried those, and they don't work.  

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