
How do you block a restricted call on the home phone. If it helps I have timewarner cable as my phone line.?

by  |  earlier

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After 0ver 20 years of beign divorce my dads ex=wife decided to start calling him using a private number. she keeps on calling one phone call after the other we know its her so we dont answer but she keeps leaving messages cousing us out. and sayings lots of insulting things to all of us wich include me my sister, my mom and all our family. So I want to know how I can block her from calling cause she started calling today since 6am and hasnt stopped calling it is 7:05 right know and she is calling us as I'm writting this.




  1. Report her being harassing to the phone company.  There are certain regulations per state by what is considered harassment, but if one person calls too many times in a course of a day, if you report them the phone company can press charges.

  2. My advice to you is call the police tell them what is going on.. then put a harassment charge on her.

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