
How do you block someone's number on your house phone if you don't have caller i.d?

by  |  earlier

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My ex bf Corey keeps calling me every like 5 min and if he can't reach me on my cell he calls my house every 5 min. My mom thinks he's a stalker and he also bought me a ring for christmas. And he knows where I live, where I work, where I got to school, what time I come home, etc. I don't want to get the police involved all I want is him to just stop calling so much and to just leave me alone. How do you block phone numbers if you don't have caller I.D on your home phone? How do you block numbers on your cell phone if you have caller I.D?




  1. for a fee your phone company can block a number from calling through.

    a cell with out caller ID is ancient-

  2. There is a feature you can have on your line called call block, it works your service provider. Most providers also have a annoying call center, and they could give u some more options!

  3. * 69 will get you the number of the last person that called. after you have it call the phone company and ask for a block on that number

  4. Call your phone company

  5. i really dont know..

    try to call your service network..

  6. You can call the phone company and have them block the number for you...I believe up to a certain amount of numbers (like...3?) is free.

  7. have you called your operator yet? just dial zero and talk to the person, they might help you more. or be able to take care of the problem. or you could unplug your fone.

    if it really makes you nervous or worried you should get the police involved.

  8. Restraining Order =]]

  9. well you could either get caller i.d. or call your phone service network, im sure they would be able to block the #  !!  Or you could also change ur phone number!! I'm so sorry :(

    If he does keep calling u though i would call the police even if you dont want to!!  He sounds like a stalker to me. :O  

    Im so sorry and i dont know really about the cell phone thing sry!!

    I hope everything works out!! :)

  10. Simple take a caller id.

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