
How do you block someone from calling you?

by  |  earlier

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theres this guy thats been calling my house, i think his like senile or on drugs or something. hes been calling for like 4 months saying, " is rachel there?"

... noone i live with is named rachel.

we've told him to stop calling. three minutes later he calls again. every time.

so how can i block his number from calling my house phone without having to call the phone company?

and whats *77?

thank you.




  1. Hmmm.. I really don't know but i don't think theres such thign as *77 but there's such thing as *67 which is basically like to so call "prank calling people".

  2. ignore the calls

  3. anonymous call blocking. call you phone provider. it will stop him from calling with out blocking his number. if he calls straight through and the number comes the authorities about harassment. good luck! its the world of the crazies!

  4. Hi

    Well Only the phone company can block his number effectively

    all you can do is get caller id on your phone and just don't answer when he calls .

    Personally i think you should politely but firmly ask the guy not to bother you again . I f that doesn't work then get the phone company involved

    hope this helps take care

  5. idk but i need to know how to a boy keeps on calling me im 14 and my dad is mad cause i told him atleast 3 times to stop calling!!

  6. select his number in your phonebook memory and block him. and its actually *67 which hides your identity meaning you name and number.

  7. you have to call your phone company and complain about this

  8. this really does work! first you have to warn them that if they call this number again i will blow a whistle in the reciever. if they keep calling then get the loudest whistle that you can find or go buy one and blow into it as soon as you turn on the phone everytime they call. they'll eventually stop

  9. *77 blocks the last incoming call, but you have to have the caller screen I.D> service....its not anonymous call block...most carriers will let yu order on the company's automated system. I think its like 6 bucks a mo...................all i know is it's great! I love it!

  10. can cant do anything on a landline phone aside from make your phone number private therefore he cant call you unless it shows his number and name.

    Do you have caller id, or have you *69ed him?

    I mean if you've told him to stop calling and you have no information about him theres really not much you can do.

    start screening your phone calls.

  11. Yeah, that's pretty annoying... I'd say just go and tell him that her number is x*x-x*x-XXXX. Or, try and find out where he lives, and politely EXPLAIN that Rachel does not live there. If   neither of those work, then I'd just ignore the calling, and/or pickup the phone and hang up immediately.

  12. you can't... and if you mean *67 you just dial at the beginning of the number and then it blocks your number so they can't tell who  is claling

  13. *77 is also known as "Anonymous Call Rejection."  Follow this link to find out more codes you can utilize on your phone.

    Also, please call your phone carrier to permanently block this caller's number from reaching your landline but you have to tell them that this person is knowingly calling a wrong number and persistently calling your number.  There is no fee for this if they find out the number of calls this person is making to one phone number.  This is called "harassment" in this scenario.  Furthermore, please call your local Police Department as this person's activity might progress into something worse.  Always protect yourself and act accordingly.

  14. Dial Ring back.

    Get his Number.

    Then phone Phone company,they will Block his call Free for 3 months. Hopefully, he will forget by then.

    Good Luck.

    l did this to an Idiot on Mine.

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