
How do you boil eggs so the shell is easy to remove, and there's no green ring around the yoke?

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How do you boil eggs so the shell is easy to remove, and there's no green ring around the yoke?




  1. This is how you do it.

    1. Place eggs in a saucepan with enough COLD tap water to cover completely by 1 inch. Bring to a ROLLING boil over HIGH heat. Once the water is brought to a rolling boil, PROMPTLY reduce heat to a lower medium boil and cook an additional 10 minutes for a “hard boiled” egg. For a “soft boiled” egg reduce the time by a few minutes.

    2. Remove from heat and IMMEDIATELY place eggs under ice cold water or in a bowl of ICED water to chill promptly to help yolks stay bright yellow. Chill for a few minutes in the cold water until the egg is completely cooled. This is an extremely important step which prevents the greenish “ring” from forming on the surface of the yolk over time. If the egg is not chilled immediately after cooking an unsightly dark greenish ring will eventually appear on the outside of the yolk.

    3. To peel...crack on all sides, roll egg between hands to loosen shell,and remove shell. Enjoy, with a light sprinkling of salt if desired.

  2. I put the eggs in a pan & cover with cold water. Put it over high heat until it boils. Turn the pan off & cover with a lid, let it sit for 20 minutes. Run cold water over until cool, really smash the shells & peel under running water.

    The yolks get the green ring when they are over cooked. I just made deviled eggs today with this method.

  3. Eggs:- Boiled

    Bring eggs to room temperature before using.

    If the egg has been stored in the refrigerator it can be warmed gently under a flowing hot tap.

    Place sufficient water to cover the eggs in a saucepan and bring to a gentle boil.

    Lower the eggs carefully into the water, using a tablespoon.

    When the water reboils, start timing and reduce the heat so that the water simmers gently.

    Fast boiling makes the egg white tough and causes the egg to bang against each other and crack.

    Timing boiled eggs depends on the size and degree of hardness desired.

    You should start timing the eggs from the moment the water first boils.

    Soft-boiled (soft whites, soft yolks):

    Large size: 3 minutes 20 seconds.

    Medium size: 3 minutes.

    Small size: 2 minutes 40 seconds.

    Medium-boiled (hard whites, soft yolks):

    Large size: 4 minutes 15 seconds.

    Medium size: 3 minutes 50 seconds.

    Small size: 3 minutes 20 seconds.

    Hard-boiled (hard whites, hard yolks):

    Large size: 10 minutes.

    Medium size: 8 minutes.

    Small size: 7 minutes.

    Eggs:- Shelling.

    Drain and run under cold water.

    Crack well, and peel from the air sac end.

    Older eggs peel easier than fresh eggs

    If you are just going to make sandwiches etc. , cut them in half and scoop out with a spoon.

  4. It probably means you're letting the eggs cool too slowly.  If you speed up your cooling process, you have much less chance of the ugly gray yolk.

    My technique:

    Preferably use eggs at room temp so take them out an hour early.  Put eggs in a good quality pot with a thick bottom.  Cover with cool water to about 1/2" over the eggs.  Put on burner on high setting.  As soon as they start to boil, turn heat down to simmer.  Set timer for 6 to 8 minutes depending on how hard you want the yolks.  When the timer dings, immediately take them off the burner and immerse the eggs in cold water, using a slotted spoon.   You can peel them as soon as they're cool enough to handle.

  5. Put eggs in pan, add enough water to cover eggs, add about a teaspoon of salt.  Cook on stove top for 20 minutes.  Remove from heat and drain water.  Run cold water over eggs to cool.  Once they are cool you can peel them.  

    Also the fresher the eggs are the harder they are to peel.  

  6. Just add 4 or 5 to a small pot, and put on stove. 10 minutes?

  7. As suggested start with cold water put eggs in and maybe a teaspoon of vinegar.  Once the water boils, remove from flame and let sit in the hot water until your desired time of doness.  Hard boiled would be about 10 plus mins.

  8. First put the eggs into the pan of water and add about two tablespoons of vingar and bring the eggs to a boil let them boil for two minutes, than take the pan off of the burner and let the eggs set in the water until the water is luke warm, now you can do what you want to do with the eggs.  also to prevent the eggs from boiling allover the pan after it has cracked in the water put  about two tablespoons of vinagar in the water, and they wont run out of the egg.

  9. Start with fresh eggs.  You know they are fresh if they do not float.   Place in pan with cold water, about an inch above the tops.  Bring to a boil.  Remove from heat and cover for 18 minutes.  Place pan in sink and start running cold water over them to cool them.  When they are cool enough to handle, start peeling.

  10. Video:

  11. When hard boiling eggs it is best to use eggs that are at least a week to 10 days old. The reason is that the as the egg ages it shrinks just enough so that when you peel it it is not stuck to the shell, also, put the eggs out and let them get to room temperature before boiling or let them sit in hot tap water for 15 minutes before putting them in the pot to boil

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