
How do you boost your self esteem hurry?

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My friends and i have EXTREMELY low self esteem. All of us think that we are fat and ugly and worthless. How do we boost our confidence before the upcoming school year. (September 3rd)





  1. Hi there, I have a site that deals with lots of stuff to do with self esteem and confidence.  It's far to big of an issue to answer in one question, have a look, hopefully you can find something of use.  Take encouragement though, you most certainly can overcome any self esteem  issues you might have.

    Best of luck

  2. Do something that makes you happy. Get highlights & get your nails done. Those things always make you feel good AND when you go back to school you will turn heads with your new hair! I suggest finding out exactly what you don't like about yourself and change it. If you feel fat, workout daily. Having your eyebrows waxed or shaped can make a persons face look 100x better than bushy ones. You need to learn to love yourself because the more you love yourself, the more you will get out of life. As cheesy as it sounds, If you love yourself, you will receive more love back. I am a teen girl and I had to learn this the hard way.  

  3. yyyoooouuuu um....

    dont look in the mirror.  

  4. Maybe try doing a sport or exercise together with your friends. Set a realistic goal together maybe to lose some weight by this Christmas (not 3rd Sept).    

  5. getting a healthier self esteem takes a LONG time

    but to start out you could just not care what other people think!!!

    i know it's easiar said than done, but really, in the end...what other people think about you DOES NOT matter!

    pick out the personal things you love about yourself

    there has got to be something.

    it will make you feel a lot better when you know that there are good things about you. just write them down and put them next to your mirror to remind you everyday.

  6. practice charisma

  7. Regularly monitor your internal monologue (self talk): write down the negative ones: "I'm pretty ugly" and then the converse: "I'm fairly good looking", and next time you become aware that you are thinking the former, visualise, as vividly as possible, a big "STOP!!!" sign, and deliberately repeat 5 times, either aloud, in a big voice, if alone, or subvocally (to yourself, in your mind), the converse affirmation. Habits take about 30 - 40 repetitions to become established, with most people.        

               Cease comparing yourself unfavorably with others, using the STOP sign: "I am a unique individual, with potential, and my own set of skills". Keep your head up, and look people in the eye, or on the bridge of their nose. See self esteem/confidence, in section 38, at and consider volunteering, even from home, at first.

    It will also provide a solid basis in reality for the daily affirmations: "I am a good person, who is valued by my community, because I ..(insert activity here).." Section 47 also refers. On volunteering outside the home, you will come into contact with supportive people, and receive positive feedback for your efforts, which will be obviously appreciated: there are many options; one is sure to suit you. Practise one of the relaxation methods on pages 2, 11, 2c, or 2i, daily, and when needed. Also, give the EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you.        

               Section 53, and pages 2, 2.q and 2.o at ezy-build also refer. "Even though I sometimes have low self esteem/confidence, I deeply and completely accept myself". ~~~ Read: "Lift your mood now." by John D Preston, Psy.D. 2001, New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 5674 Shattuck Avenue, Oakland. CA 94609 may be worth trying for this, as it has a good section on building self esteem, using a different approach.        


    1. Build up your self-esteem. You must take an inventory. What do you want to improve or change about the way you interact with others? Try to make only one change at a time. Always check you progress before making another change.

    2. Celebrate your journey, not your destination. Learn to always feel good about where you are now, and to exude self-confidence about anywhere you might find yourself tomorrow.

    3. Set clear goals for yourself before every interaction. Know what you want. Think about how the people you will be meeting can help you reach those goals. Then decide how to approach each person accordingly. Apply this regularly and you will notice a difference.

    4. Be proactive. Take the initiative. Be decisive. Let the other person know exactly how he or she can help you. Proactive people tend to be more successful in their career.

    5. Treat each person you meet as if she or he is truly important. (You'll be amazed how this works.)

    Here is an exercise that can help you. It is called "Act as If." When you are in a social situation, act as if you are confident, and outgoing. Talk more, smile at everyone, ask questions, speak in a normal or excited tone, not a meek tone. Watch some of your outgoing peers, and imitate the style of their social behavior.

    Research shows that when you "act as if" continually, your image of yourself begins to conform to your new behavior. In this case, you will gain self-esteem and self-confidence. You will become more socially successful, and this will motivate you to continue your new social behavior until it becomes a habit.        

    The first step in becoming more confident is to accept and like yourself. You should make a list of all your positive traits and strengths on a piece of paper or in your diary. By doing this, you are reminding yourself that you too have praise-worthy qualities like others. You will like yourself and feel confident about yourself after this. Section 56 will tell you if you are overweight.

  8. first look up and not down and you will start to feel better about yourself you are who you are the one and only so appreciate yourself

  9. what i do is look at people who look worse than me. usually alot of people.

    pretty effective.

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