
How do you break a horse?

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I have a horse that is at least 5 or so years old (not sure). He has not had a halter on him, has not been led, has never had a bridle on him, and has definitely never been saddle broken. He will let you touch him but you can do nothing else. He will come to you if he sees it is time to eat but other than that he wont let you do anything with him.

Once my Uncle tried to get a rope around the horse and he did but the next day the rope was off somehow Freedom (the horse) took the rope off of himself WEIRD!!!

Please help!!!

Note: I did not buy this horse I just went to take care of my other animals and he was there! I thought my father bought him for me but he didn't no one did WEIRD TOO HUH!!!! I know I said the same thing.

But if you can help me please do. THANX A MILLION!!




  1. I never broke a horse before but I have read about it and talked to people who have. First u should just go out and pet him and try to brush him let him get used to your presense then once he will acept this then start bringing a halter after he will let u touch him all over with it try putting it on U will want someone out there with u to help. If you have a round pen it's best to do it in there. that way he can't run off. once he will halter then try leading him and once he leads you can start the breaking process. Fist just the bridle with no reins then the blanket then the saddle then the reins. U should if possible lunge him with the tack before u try mounting. do each piece for a few days or until he completly accepts it before moving on. the first time u mount just belly him that means just lay across the saddle on your belly do this until he is 100% ok with it. have someone hold the lead when u do this. once u can belly him then u can start sitting in the saddle and so on. U may want to have a professional do the breaking. hope this helps!

  2. hi, I think i might be able to help you. It's not guaranteed that this will work though. This is how I think you might be able to halter break the horse. Do it by tiny steps. first, you show the halter to the horse. Let it investigate it first. Give it a treat  and praise them afterwords. That way, they'll associate it with some thing good. Repeat this for about a week. Next

    do the same thing with the rope. After that, put them together and do the same thing. after that, hold it out to the horse and it MIGHT associate it with some thing good and come to you. (this technique will almost definitely not work on a horse that is a little wild.) After that, try every day to try and put it on the horse. Give it praise afterwords everyday as well as a yummy treat. after trying to put it on. If you accomplish getting the halter WITHOUT the rope on, take it off immediately and repeat putting it on for a few days. also give the horse treats, etc. Later, try putting the rope on the halter. take it off immediately and give praise, etc. the next day try leading it. If that doesn't work think of a treat they like. lead them further each day.

  3. Naming him " Freedom " was probably a bad start to be honest.

  4. Best to have a pro work with you and him.

    It's going to take lot's of time and attention. You will just have to take the time to get him to trust you.

    If he is already allowing you to pet him, start keeping a rope on you when you feed him and later when you try petting him keep the rope close to him. The rope is a strange object to him so he maybe nervous about the rope. Once he starts thinking the rope is just part of you and nothing to worry about, then try taking the rope off yourself and bring it near him but not like you are trying to catch him.  Once he is use to the rope being around him, start bringing it closer to his head.

    He maybe by that time use to the rope and allow you to bring it over his head.  If I were you, keep the rope on him with lot's of praise and maybe something he would like to eat.

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