
How do you break a lease for a car?my father is 80 years old and cant make the right decisions?

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How do you break a lease for a car?my father is 80 years old and cant make the right decisions?




  1. Contact a lawyer. Have him review the lease agreement. Get input from psychiatrist as well.

  2. Are you telling me some rat just recently tricked your 80 year old dad into signing a lease for a car? That's really low. I think you need a lawyer. It's unlikely the leasing company can do anything for you. They're stuck in the middle. It's the dealership that is pushing the limits of decency. If it's a large reputable dealer, you should contact the general manager and explain the situation. If he doesn't work it out to your satisfaction, you are probably going to need legal help. Is your father incompetent or are you just saying he's old. Can he afford the car, or is it you just don't think he should have done it. It's probably going to cost some money to get out of the deal. It depends on how far you can push it with the lawyer, and how reasonable the dealership is going to be. You can contact your State Attorney's office as well. They're busy, but they may help. Good luck.  

  3. Well this can be a tough thing as you will still owe a balance. You will need to go back to the dealer the vehicle is leased from and request to cancel the lease. In order to do this whatever your balance is (or what the value would be up to the amount of years you leased and still have to lease) you will have to pay that balance that day. They may try to say it cant be done and that you can trade in on a car that you can buy instead of lease but it can be done.... I worked in a dealership before... be careful salesmen can be decietful. Good Luck!

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