
How do you break the meat of a chicken botee using utensils

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike a wedding ( i had to put it in their). Its really difficult to reach the hard to get places. Using hands is a MUST.....or im a slob





  1. hey i celebrate ramadon peplle arent going to care there hungry

  2. lolz..... when its good food u don't need utensils.........use your  hands........... if someone gives u look.........tell them its sunnah ;)

  3. lol @ 'botee'

    we have some seriously weird words in our language!

    Anyways I agree, only snobs use untensils! Just be sure to wash your hands afterwards to get rid of that chicken-y smell!

  4. i use my hands!!

    i would worry about my hunger rather then people!!

  5. I usually just eat the easy to reach meat... I leave the rest... even at home. My mom used to get so annoyed by it.... now she is over it.

  6. HOW?? U should be able to use ure hands, if not, then a fork.

  7. Stick To p**i Tradition ! Pick It up with ur Hand And RIp that Boti With ur Teeths !

  8. why not mutton favrt

  9. I agree with first answer! Use your hands.  

  10. u just said it. using hands is a MUST, so then use thy hands =P

    hmm if its a desi wedding, who cares? just eat with ur hands. i'm sure thats what most ppl do there right?

  11. use ur hands,,,it's a sunnah loooooooool

    if they don't want ppl to use their hands,then they better get chicken fillets!!!!!!!!

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