
How do you break when you play pool?

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How do you break when you play pool?




  1. set q-ball off center a little and push through the ball when you break you will have a good break everytime.

  2. Very badly--usually one sad little ball just barely peels off.  Not my best skill.

  3. rack all but the white ball put it in the middle and kill the thing

  4. With all the might I can muster coming right down on the cueball like a hurricane (but careful, don't miscue!).  


  5. You break playing pool by shooting the white ball at the racked balls (usually in the form of a triangle) - nine ball is different.

  6. which game .... i have a different strategy for different games so cant really answer this question

  7. Keep your eye on the cue and keep your head up. Find a stance that is comfortable for you. Good Luck

  8. i put the cue ball in the middle and wack the heck out of it.

  9. I put my cue ball close to the right side rail and close to the head string, get low on the ball, aim for the top ball in the rack and hit it hard.  I get a pretty good break that way, but a lot of people put the cue ball in the centre of the table behind the head string...for some reason that just doesn't work for me....I'm lucky to make a legal break doing it that way!

  10. I used to do left side breaks - where I would put the cue at the intersection of the second dot on the long rail and the first dot on the top rail, but now I do center back breaks - just behind the head spot on the table. I use  a follow shot (hit above center on the cue), and when I do it right the cue ball bounces off the rack slightly back towards me, then shoots forward again, further scattering the balls.

  11. ditto

  12. Break is the first shot-you strike the white ball so it hits the other balls and BREAKS them apart from each other. Oh-and make sure you take that little blue cube of chalk (watch someone do it so you know how) to the stick before your first strike and look thoughtfully at the table, then to the balls and then the holes-makes you look cool and your stick won't slip when it hits the ball. Have fun!

  13. as hard as fast and as straight as u can u go

  14. i stick the ball to the right side a bit and hit it

  15. smack the white ball into the pack! make sure that 5 balls(can be varied) hit the cushion for it to be a proper break!

  16. there are many ways to break, but the standard breaks among the professionals are the power break and the soft break. the difference as you would be able to tell would be the strength of your stroke.

    firstly placing of the cue ball. - about an inch behind the baulk line, about 2 inches away from the left side cushion assuming you are right handed. this start position is a suggestion.

    feet. - if you are right handed, weight should be on your forward foot(left foot).

    aim. - the front most point of the 1 ball.

    cue angle and english(spin). - elevate cue stick abt 25 - 30 degrees. about half a foot off the table. aim low at the cue ball with a bit of backspin. this should help you keep the ball in the middle of the table. experience would polish things up in adjustments.

    power break. - look at the cue ball when breaking. a hard stroke while feet immobilized. move with the cue stick and lean towards the cue ball following the motion of your stick. push with the addition strength from the movement of your body. push body using your right foot. right foot off the ground to give you the extra push needed. important point is follow through completely till the end of your cue stick motion.

    soft break. - only the stroke of your striking hand. a pretty fair amount of strength. just follow through the motion of your arm.

    your target is to routinely sink at least one if not both the wing balls. so adjust the strength accordingly.

    these are just guidelines. technique comes with a little bit of practice and and the rest are purely practice.  : )

    PS: table condition,and cue tip condition also important. the cue stick used for breaking are softer than the normal playing cue. this allows the stick to bend and spring to give additional power to your power break. normal cue sticks are okay for a soft break.

    cheers mate. you could surf around looking for videos or diagrams. i found one for you. enjoy breaking. give yourself a well deserved break.

  17. from the head spot to slightly off the front ball with follow English

  18. I don't get the question.

    are you asking how they are supposed to be situated before you break, if so I have hear strips solid all the way around with the 8 ball in the middle.

    you make sure it's straight and then aim directly in the center.

  19. I hit the rack straight on with lots of top english,you have to make sure you hit it straight or sometimes the ball goes flying off the table,for me it breaks real well,the cue continues through the rack and i usually make a couple of balls on the break..good luck..

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