
How do you breastfeed while watching an unruly toddler?

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I just had my second and final child. He is two weeks old and I really want to continue breastfeeding him. The problem is my toddler is hitting the terrible twos. He throws things, hits and screams for my attention. He is constantly trying to pull his new brother off my lap when I'm feeding him so he can climb up. Because I had a c-section, I can't lift him to put him in time out or really strain myself dragging him anywhere. I really want to continue breastfeeding but I have wound up supplementing more and more with formula because it fills the baby up more and gives me more time to chase down and keep an eye on my toddler. I can't use child gates because he climbs over them or knocks them down. I feel like I'm letting my baby down and I feel helpless with my toddler! My husband helps when he is here but he has to work. He has no choice and is gone from 7am till 4pm. Usually I can only get my baby on the breast after I have convinced my toddler to take a nap or once during this nine hours. I try to pump but I have noticed a considerable drop in my milk supply already.

Any suggestions?




  1. A good firm smack on the butt, or thigh, always worked for me.  You have allowed your toddler to take control and it will only get worse unless you take it back from him.  Give him some attention and make him feel like he is not being pushed aside.  Let him help you with the baby and teach him that he has to be gentle or he could hurt the baby because it's little.

    Discipline begins at a very early age and you have to be CONSISTENT.  When he learns you are serious, things will change.  With a child, "No!" should always mean NO.  

  2. Your milk supply is dropping from lack of constant use.  If you don't continually breast feed, your natural body functions cause your milk to dry up.

    Many parents today have gotten away from the age old traditional spanking for discipline.  It's worked for 100's of years for toddlers up through school kids, so shouldn't be discarded now.  The child has to understand who is "boss'' and the rules have to be consistent.  A gentle, but firm spanking with a "No'' or corrective instruction will work, but you have to stick to your rules.  If you disipline him today and tomorrow let it slide, he will always test you to see if today is the day he can get away with it.  Also, if he is allowed to "rule the roost" at 2, what will he do at 12?  Too bad all of us here can't take turns and come give you an extra hand each day.  That would make a mother's life so much easier.   Good luck and enjoy your kids.  Someday you will get to do some of this over again with the grandkids.

  3. all I have to say is I feel for you ... my youngest is 6 months old.. I then have a 2 yr old and an almost three year old... I was able to exclusively breastfeed for three months while on maternity leave, and then I pumped for close to another month when I went back to work.  After that I started feeling useless at home and not living up to my motherly duties of the toddlers, they really wanted attention also, so I gave in and started formula.  I know I gave her the best from the very beginning but there are times when I wish I would have just stuck with it... right now we have moved to another state and are struggling for the first month or so with money and it would have been nice to still be nursing to not have to worry about that cost.. but at least she is able to take generic formula with dha and ara... best of luck to you ... as for the terrible twos.. if you find an answer let me know .. I am now a SAHM and wow does my daughter have the vocals and hitting like you wouldn't believe

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