
How do you breed a Tanimbar Island Blue Tongued Skink?

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Im about to buy another BTS the problem is I cant tell how to determine the s*x. Another thing is i want to know how i could breed them.I read about them being able to give birth live. When will they be sexually active? How wil I know if my skink is pregnant?How do i breed them?




  1. Blue tongue skinks can not be sexed despite what anyone else tells you. I have a friend who breeds them on a very large level. So if you plan on buying one of the opposite s*x, you can't. The way most breeders start out is with a group of adults. The only way they can tell the s*x is to put two together after a cooling period and see what happens. Two males will fight very aggressively. Two females will ignore each other. And if you got it right, a male will bite the female on the back of the neck and begin mating.

  2. ask a vet :p

  3. probe them and put the male and female in the same cage. research!!! thats why they invented google!

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