
How do you broadcast using BroadWave?

by  |  earlier

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I am wanting an online radio station and I tried to use BroadWave but it says I have to have a public IP and I have no clue what to do. I need to broadcast. Please help...




  1. UMMMMMMM.......

  2. Making your Computer Accessible from the Public Internet

    This item is for people who want to make their server-based software programs accessible via the public Internet.

    Examples of server programs include:

        * Axon VoIP Based PBX (uses TCP and UDP)

        * ScreenStream Desktop Sharing Program (uses TCP)

        * BroadWave Audio Streaming Server (uses TCP)

        * BroadCam Video Streaming Server (uses TCP)

        * WebDictate Online Dictation Recorder (uses TCP)

        * IVM Answering Attendant (uses TCP)

    Setting up server accessibility involves two factors:

        * Ensuring the correct ports are open for incoming TCP and/or UDP traffic

        * Knowing what your public IP address is, and whether it is static or dynamic

    Port Configuration

    The procedure for configuring your server to open its ports depends on whether you are running a firewall and/or router on your network. See below for more details. You must refer to the individual programs to find out which port numbers need to be opened, and whether they need to be opened for TCP and/or UDP traffic.

    Firewalls If you have a firewall then you must open the relevant ports on your firewall for TCP and/or UDP data. Refer to the documentation of your firewall for how to do this.

    Routing If your computer connects to the Internet directly (without a router) then you do not need to worry about this.

    If it is on a private network behind a router (or modem which works as a router), you will need to set your router to forward traffic from a particular port on the router (i.e. the public port) to the port on the server computer (i.e. the private port). By convention most people use the same port numbers but you should be aware there is no problem with the ports being different. For example if you set the public port on 'mydomain:1234' to be redirected to 'mycomputer:567', then everyone on the Internet can access via 'mydomain:1234'.

    The website is a good resource for assistance with setting up port forwarding on your router or firewall. It has guides for most routers out there, as well as Help and FAQ pages.

    IP Addressing

    If your ISP offers you a 'static' IP (i.e. one that never changes) you can use that as the address. For example, they might say your IP is ''. You can then address your computer as '' (assuming you have nominated the port on your router to be 1234).

    For serious users you can register a domain. You can do this by running a DNS server on your server computer, or you can subscribe to a hosted DNS service. Under this method you can use, for example, '' as the address (and port) for accessing your server.

    If you don't have a static IP (i.e. it changes each time you reconnect to the Internet) then you can use a dynamic DNS name service such as one of the following:


        * ZoneEdit

        * FreeDNS

        * DyNS

        * EveryDNS

        * Dynu

    This type of service will allow you to register a domain name and have it automatically redirect to your IP address. The domain service will keep track of whenever your address changes and redirect as appropriate, so you can have, for example, an address '' and set it up so '' redirects to port 1234 on your server

    note: also check out the link below

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