
How do you build a good camp fire?

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How do you build a good camp fire?




  1. dig a pit because putting rocks near the flame could cause it to heat up and explode, then you get some logs of any kind that you could find, dry and stack it in a arrow like shape pointing up then you get some petrol or diesel make a small trail away from the logs 1/2 a meter or so, spark it up and boom you have a fire.

    or you could start with some twigs and dry leaves or news paper and add bigger sticks or logs until its right to put a stump on there, much safer to

  2. The Boy Scout's tepee method works well.

  3. Smallest/finest dry tinder you can find. (paper strips, etc)

    Surround that with larger tinder. (pine needles, etc)

    Surround that with small dry twigs.

    Put that inside a small "teepee" of larger twigs (leave a small hole/gap to light the tinder.

    Put another layer on the outside of the "teepee" on small sticks. (leave the hole open)

    Put another layer on the "teepee" of large sticks.

    Light the ball of tinder with match/lighter.

    Blow gently and then a bit harder to help the tinder ball ignite (if needed).

    If that fails...start with a cold pile of small sticks..douse with a cup or two of 50% gas 50% motor oil...let it soak in for a minute...light a twisted up stick of paper on the end with a lighter...light the fire with the paper stick. DO NOT use straight gas or "coleman fuel". Tiki torch/lamp oil/kerosene works ok too.

  4. With sticks and a lighter.

    Oh and something around the fire to stop it from spreading (trust me you need that otherwise it gets out of control :) )

    Sorry I couldn't answer too well, I haven't tried since i set fire to the patio :S

    Good luck :)

  5. Most of these answers r good.

    I put kindling like paper or dry leaves at twigs (stuff that burns easily and quickly), then form a teepee with larger twigs.

    I light that until it takes off.

    Always allow plenty of air to get to the fire... blow on the kindling if u need to to get it to catch.

    Once its alight and the larger twigs are burning slowly add bigger pieces of wood, but don't smother it with too much at once, because u need oxygen/air to get to the fire.

    Once it has begun to form coals you can continue to add wood to it.

    Always make sure u have the area around the fire cleared of debris and other flammable stuff... I make sure the fire has a clearing of at least 3 metres around it.

    Don't have a fire underneath a tree or awning of any kind, as little bits of lit kindling can float up and land causing spot fires in other areas, or can catch onto leaves above.

    Fire needs 3 things to keep it going: Oxygen, fuel, and heat. Make sure when ur putting it out u make sure there is no fuel or heat to allow it to take again. Put sand or dirt on it, and pour water on it to put it out.

    Hope this helps a little bit.

  6. If you are under 16 make sure you have someone who is older to supervise to prevent things from getting out of control.

    Start with a good site, designated camp fire pit. If you are camping at regulated camp site such as KOA, Federal, State / Provincial or Private campground you will most likely have a proper site and be notified of any fire restrictions or bands in the area.

    If a pre-used pit is not available make sure the area is open no over hinging  trees and the ground it's self is not full  of flammable materials leaves, roots, wood chips etc... dig out a pit in the soil. Rim it with rocks or go to the scrap metal yard and get a transport rim with the center cut out. Use all three if you like; just make sure the fire you start stays contained.

    You do not want to start a bigger fire then intended only to have the fire department show up to put it out. They will give you the bill for the call approx. $3000.00 and up depending on the fire. Look in the phone book and find there non-emergency number. Call it to make sure there are no fire bands in your area. Let them know your intentions Camp Fire controled Bush Burn etc... They will let you know the guide lines and be less likely to show up if your neighbors see smoke as they will know it is controled!

    With this out off the way it is now time for the FUN PART.

    Gather the following materials dry wood, kindling, tinder, matches or a lighter. The use of excellerants should not be neccessary, USING GASOLINE CAN LEAD TO SERIUOS INJURIES OR A VERY BAD HAIR CUT. ( DON'T FORGET TO HAVE A BUCKET or two OF WATER on hand), tap water from a hose is only good only if the water does not stop flowing. In the city water is very reliable but in the country pumps can stop working or electrcity becomes unavailable to operate the pump. Ether way a bucket provides the quikest way to get water on unwanted fire giving you that extra moment to turn on the tap.

    Sorry about that just want to keep it fun.

    The kindling and tinder is the most important part.

    Tinder is light wieght small diamiter twigs from spruce trees or ceder trees, wood shavings, paper etc... that is the dry dead branches near the bottom of the tree. small peicese of birch bark can be used, Be sure not to take too much birch bark from one spot as it will kill the tree. Small loose peices unfortunatly lots of them. This material will catch fire quickly place it on the bottom. Dry dead Leaves, dried grass, and pocket lint will work in a pinch but can cauase lots of smoke makeing a slower start.

    Then place kindling on top, small diameter of wood about the size of fingers cut from evergreen, ceader and pine are best but dry hard wood maple oak will do just as well. Again you will need a fair amount. Place it on top of the tinder in a criss cross manner some prefer to build it up in a log cabin shape or pyrimid shape but that is not neccessay. Under damp or extremely wet weather conditions you can create what is know as feather sticks. use a sharp knife to cut or slice in to the kindling creating tinder all along the edge if done successfuly it will resemble a feather. Make several of these if conditions demand.

    Firewood slightly larger branhes or split logs smaller around then a closed fist can be placed over this NOT TOO MANY to start .LIGHT the tinder on fire let it burn and start the kindling a flame and let it start the small wood on fire.

    Slowly add more fire wood of the same size or ever so sligtly bigger as the flames grow. be carfull not to add too much too fast as this will push the smaller material down compacting it and allow it to smuther out your fire. If this happens start all over again. With a little practice you will be a expert in no time.

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