
How do you build a secret clubhouse?

by  |  earlier

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My friends and I want to build a secret clubhouse on one of the hidden trails in my neighborhood. None of us are really the contruction type so we don't really know how to build it. We are around the ages of 12 to 16 so it needs to be fairly big. It would be best if it would fit at least 7 people. Also, it's a *secret* clubhouse so we will have no adult help with this and we don't have much money so it would be best if it were fairly inexpensive. It needs to be fairly nice though because we want to put stuff in it and it needs to be rain-proof. How can we build this fun, summer hide out?




  1. You need materials. Set out in that hidden trail and find what ever you can find that would be good for your clubhouse. Take your salvaged materials and design your clubhouse based on what you have found. Get some rudimentry tools saws hammers. You may want a shovel for leveling the ground or even building a secret underground compartment. Tarps and old tents will work for cheep temporary walls and roofs. You should try various thrift stores for materials and hunt for scrap wood wherever you can find it. Good luck guys.

  2. Sit down and design it

    make a list of materials

    them build it

    You may want to camoflage it with leaves and tree limbs

  3. This would be top secret and if I told ya I'd have to kill ya!!


    To go as far as the size and waterproof it wold require much more than allowed here and would also cost several hundred in materials.


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