
How do you bullshit a book assignment if you've never read the book?

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How do you bullshit a book assignment if you've never read the book?




  1. watch the video


  3. you search the book online.

    i always do that. haha.

  4. If it's a famous book,you can find stuff on the Internet about the plot,

    characters,etc. Just type in the title and let the search engine go to work. Even if it's not famous you might find something.

  5. Haha. Try finding the cliff notes, or other essays on it, from critics and academic or scholarly writers.

    Search google,

    <book title [in quotes]>

  6. sparknotes(if it's a real famous book)

    try watching a movie about it(con: screenplays are never usually the same as the book)

    ask someone who's read it

  7. You can't because I am going to tell your teacher to fail you. Go read your book you lazy might actually enjoy it.

  8. read the last 10 pages..

    and back of the book

  9. Read about it online and hope your teacher doesn't have half a brain. It was a lot easier to b.s. a book assignment 20 years ago. Most teachers can spot it a million miles away these days. There have been a lot of studies on it, and most teachers have read those studies. I recommend you just read the freakin' book.  

  10. just get the main points.

  11. Read the back, skim through the pages and pick out the main oints, write the report with a lot of words that make it sound like you know what you're talking about.

  12. Pay some nerdy kid to do it for you

    and by pay I actually mean threaten to beat up:\

  13. read the book

  14. read chapter summaries. or

  15. Watch the movie.

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