
How do you buy and prepare food so that it goes futher? I would like to know how people are making their ....

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groceries go futher since they have gotten more expensive.




  1. What I do is I buy in bulk if I can.

    I buy two or more loaves of bread and freeze them when I'm not using them.

    I make meals pre-hand and freeze them, things like lasagna and such.

    I try to avoid pre-packaged food.

    I avoid produce unless I know I'm going to eat it, like I know I buy a lot of salad, in bags, and it always goes bad before I eat it.

  2. Harbenero peppers............add them to most any dish and your meal will go further, it's a nasty trick but trust me.....more flavorful food will last longer....avoid plain tasting foods as they don't satisfy....a pasta bake with a harbanero added will last.....use garlic and onions too.

  3. A good start is dried beans. People in earlier times ate beans different kinds) almost every day of the week. You probably know someone who can teach you how to season them. Beans, especially brown beans have plenty of protein, so there is no need to have meat with the mea. The next item that stretches the food is pasta and there are many kinds and many ways to season it as well. Good luck. Add various vegetables and you can eat quite well for less. I will suggest you start buying no prepared foods from the freezer section. Maybe invest in a good cook book. good luck.

  4. First, familiarise yourself with food prices so that you will know a bargain when you see it. If you see a canned good on sale, don't just get one - get 2 or 3 of them because they really don't go bad. If you have limited shelf space, buy a cheap shelving unit and bury it in the back of a closet to store your canned stash. Try to avoid pre-packaged and frozen things because you can really make your own version cheaper. Do a little investment cooking and prepare a meal to freeze for later - a full freezer runs more efficiently so you might as well pack it with food. I could go on and on but you get the idea. Here are some links for frugal cooking and food preparation-

    Good luck!

  5. Watch the sales obviously but beyond that, you as some of the other answers indicate, buy in bulk, I watch commodity prices so I have an idea when and what is a good buy. I think a full pork shoulder is a steal and there are so many things you can do with it, they are around 15 lbs (@.89-.99 cents lb) and can be divided into whatever size you want. I do buy in bulk, separate and vacuum seal them. Turkey is a good buy in the off season, chicken seems like it is always on sale somewhere and if you watch the grocery store fliers you can get some great deals on beef, especially roasts. I think a good vacuum sealer is well worth the money since meats sealed this way can last beyond 2 years. With the prices going up, 2 years from now who knows what we will be paying. Good news is that oil prices have droppped from a high of $145 to $118 per barrel today, which means everything else may start to ease some.

  6. Prepare a list of recipes you want to make for the week and what you need. Buy only what's on the list.

    Look at vegetables and fruits that are discounted , buy the ones that look good.

    When using hamburger meat use oats instead of breadcrumbs. Use a bit more than when you use breadcrumbs, one way to make hamburger last longer.

    Only buy fruits and veggies that are in season.

    Don't buy pre packaged food. Use skim milk powder to make your own milk. Koolaid instead of pop.

  7. I ordered green bags on-line for my fruits and veg;s and they last much longer, I also make alot of home made food and ant quick fix meals

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