
How do you buy gas with cash

by  |  earlier

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haha that might sound dumb but ive only ever bought it with a credit card, so what to i do to buy it with cash?




  1. I don't. You can. You just give the due or dudette the cash, then put the gas in. Make sure you put the gas in your car, not someone elses. Also, don't get mixed up and put the window washing stuff in the tank. Finally, don't drive off with the hose still in the filler, or worse yet, try to drive off in the gas pump. Best of luck to you.  

  2. ..Seriously? get your gas, then you for it with cash?

  3. uhhh ok. Well go inside, tell them how much you'd like to buy. Pay them. Then go outside and pump as normal. It will stop at however much you paid them. Mkay? Mkay then....

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