
How do you bypass "not at this time" when you are trying to sell a financial product that could be of use

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How do you bypass "not at this time" when you are trying to sell a financial product that could be of use




  1. Your question is a little vague.  If you mean you're trying to sell something to someone and they say they're "not interested at this time" or "not in the market" right now you should take that as a no.  You could push but all you'd do is generate bad feelings on the part of your potential customer.  I have salespeople try to do that with me on occassion.  At that point I get rid of them and never deal with them again.  Accept the "no" at face value and that leaves you the possibility of trying again later without the hard feelings.

  2. if you come down to the final where you are not making a sale, don't be pushy.  Give them your card and ask them to keep you in mind.  I will contact someone when I am need of the product and usely go with the ones who were not so pushy.

  3. If you are getting the "not at this time" at the end of your presentation, you haven't established urgency or you have not shown why the client needs your service now.  Work on your presentation skills.  Are you making the client comfortable with you at the beginning ? Are you sure you are knowledgable about your product? Does your presentation clearly get the client involved with how they will benefit from it's use?

    If you have been effective in qualifying your prospect, have been effective in presenting your product and in presenting yourself, you won't get the brush off at your closing.  

    Salespeople have to prove the benefit of their product no matter HOW good it is.

    If you are telemarketing, it is part presentation, part qualifying and the rest is just numbers.

    Good luck,


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