
How do you call to kilmarnock, Scotland UK from America?

by Guest34384  |  earlier

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I was wondering how do you call Scotland from America. I have a friend who lives there and she gave me her number but i can't figure out how to call her. Can anyone help me? please!




  1. I lived in Scotland for 3 years. I actually lived in Kilmarnock for a year and a half and have family there.

    For example, if the person's phone number there is:

    +44 1563 570653

    From America, it would be:

    011441 563 570 653

    so basically, I guess the last 12 numbers stay the same and you dial 011 before those numbers.

    Let me give you another example:

    01563 531211

    It would be:

    011441 563 531 211

    Hope that helps you! Good luck!

  2. Knock off the 0 at the start of the number and add 44

    which is the UK dialling code.

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