
How do you calm yourself when you feel like you're about to lose it?

by  |  earlier

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I am soooooo frustrated with someone at the moment and its been an ongoing thing, how can I just not stress about a specific matter?

How do you guys calm yourselves down when feeling frustrated?




  1. I go blast music in my room and take my pillow into my closet and sleep there.

    Other times, I'd just leave the house. Walk around the neighborhood, kick a soccer ball..

    Or I go on livejournal and write about it, that helps me get it all out.

    By the time I finished writing, I basically always feel better.

    But most of the time, I do laundry.

    That always calms me down, I'm so focused on sorting colors and measuring the soap that I forget exactly what was messing me up.

    But if you're frustrated with someone, I suggest you not talk to them.

    Delete him/her from all your contact lists, write a mean letter to him/her and then rip it up, and punch something.

    I hope you feel better

  2. Write down everything that is frustrating you about this person.  Read it several times. Throw it away.  You will feel the stress leaving as you write and when you throw it away it won't feel like it was a very big deal to begin with.  Its worked for me in the past, try it you have nothing to lose but the stress and frustration.

  3. pray for what you wont


    gauranteed! or you can jst use a pillow if no one is around!

    go look up jokes! or funny videos on youtube! they'll def. cheer u up!

  5. maybe get outta the house go for a walk. dont talk to that individual for a few days get out with friends

    do things that will get the **** off ur mind

  6. I'm a christian so I find peace and comfort when I pray and listen to gospel praise music.  It helps me refocus and remember my priorities.

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