
How do you cancel your membership at ebay?

by Guest67092  |  earlier

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Give me the steps for ten points.




  1. If all else fails go to google search, that is what I would do

  2. go into your account then help, type in at the top you wish to cancel and you will be able to do it this way

  3. 1. Sign in with ur account details in ebay.

    2. Go to "My eBay".

    3. In that page under "Related Links"  click on "Close my account".

    4. In the next page you have a link to permanently close your account.

    5. Search for "To close your account permanently, please submit a formal request to close your account." in that page.

    This should do the trick. Lemme know if it worked :)

  4. Contact a member of their staff via e-mail.

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