
How do you care for a newborn mouse without no fur and closed eyes?

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So I found two mice this morning,and their mother has not came back yet.They are really small,and their eyes are still closed.i've tried feeding them from medicine droppers,but it seems they're only getting a little bit. I have a heating thing in a cage with them along with blankets. What else can I do to at least try to save them? Or is it too late? Advice anyone? Oh yeah it's saturday so i can't go to the vet to get any special stuff,just the local grocery store.HELP!




  1. Try the local pet stores to see if they have a new litter of either mice or rats.  It's extremely hard to hand-raise babies that young, really fostering them to someone is the best option assuming they're still alive today.  A mouse will usually accept a few additional babies of about the same age as her own, and a female rat will nurse almost anything, they're really good moms.  I had a mouse raise three orphaned deer mice with her own litter.

    Failing that, yes, KMR every 2 hours, but very little of it because they're tiny.  Make sure you don't force it, too--let them lap up droplets, don't try to squirt it into them because it's very easy to get it into their lungs by accident and then they can die of pneumonia.

    Good luck, and try not to be too hard on yourself if they don't make it, because it's really very difficult to hand raise them that young.

  2. If you got them to ingest anything at all, well kudos to you!  Keep up the good work , but the Mother would or will come back.  They are not three meals a day kind of animals.  Only one meal a day. If you have contaminated the area with your scent then you must go back and contaminate it with a stronger natural scent, like grass.  The mother will come back.  Hurry.

  3. Haha you used a double negative. "Without no fur" means they have fur.

  4. Hi There! Ususally  does (female mice) come out at night and feed their young. But if you know for sure then buy KMR at your local pet store and give them no more than 1 drop of it but mix it with warm water. Feed at night. After feeding take a warm cotton ball and wipe their a**s as mother would do to keep the nest clean and so no blockage in the intestines. make sure you use warm water bottles but not too warm. use ripped materials to make fake nesting. Good Luck! lily Allen♥☻☺

  5. youre doin pretty good just raise them like human babies...congrats lol youre a new mother?

  6. hey my name is trish, me and my sister have tried to save baby mice before, but never have been able to keep them alive, with no mother, there is not much of a chance of them surviving, but you could call someone, a professional or whatever for a better opinion, its so sad, but with out a mother to care for them, they usually do die. we even tried putting another adult female mouse in with them once, on the word of the store owner that she would take care of the babies,  i do not suggest this action at all! the female was not pleasant and the poor babies died because she.....well it wasn't pretty, hope you have some luck, your friend, trish

  7. once we had some baby mice there mother was killed and they were very badly injured you have to feed them every 2 hours good luck

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