
How do you care for mice/baby mice?

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I am getting a mouse (hopefully a baby) and i want to know what i need to do to care for it




  1. baby mice would still need their mother to look after them, so you would probably get a 'teenage' or adult mouse.

    never get a boy and a girl together because before you know it, your house will be crawling with mouse babies. most people like to start with two females because males tend to smell more and sometimes fight.

    first off, you need a reasonable sized cage. if you get a wire cage, make sure the wires are quarter of an inch, not half because they can still easily escape from that, like mine did.

    if you get an aquarium, it will need to be at least 10 gallons. add an extra 5 gallons if you decide to get another mouse.

    next, is bedding. unlike mentioned above, do NOT use pine or cedar bedding. they may smell nice but the oils and phenols in the wood are harmful for your mice, especially cedar. aspen woodshavings is perfectly safe. you can also use shredded paper, but it doesnt necessarily keep smells down. most people like to buy Carefresh bedding even though its slightly more expensive.

    for food, you can either get rodent blocks from your pet store or you can feed them a seed mixture. rodent blocks tend to get boring and are quite unappetising but they contain all the needed nutrients. i prefer to use seeds because it provides more variety but if you feed them it, you need to make sure they eat almost all before offering because they tend to pick out all the tastiest seeds and leave the rest.

    and lastly, toys! mice are very intelligent creatures and will need toys to keep them interested. you can give them an exercise wheel, tree branches, hammocks, ladders, ropes, cardboard boxes, toilet rolls, and lots more! as long as it is safe, and fun, you can give to your mice!

    good luck and enjoy your new mice!

    you can also look up 'mouse care' on google for heaps of results.

  2. okay, a local petsmart should have some feeder mice that are babies there really cheap. I recomend a Robo Dwarf hamster there the coolest things ever. Now a baby wouldnt be too smart to buy chances are it'll die without the proper food, heat, light, and care. Even an Adult SMELLS SO BAD. Robos eat little pellets and are very easy to care for. Your baby mouse will need a heatpad, food, light, proper cleaning, and vermitculate. Check them Robos out ull fall in love with them!!

  3. umm i had a rat so im sure for mice its basically the same thing. give it a water bottle and pine or cedar shavings DO NOT USE THE RED SHAVINGS its very bad for mice rats guiny pigs and such. either put it in a equiram or cage specially for it. give it things to do and u should be set. ALSO DO NOT PUT A LIGHT OVER ITS CAGE AT NIGHT. THEY R A NOCTURNAL ANIMAL AND LIGHT AT NIGHT I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE COOL O PUT A LIGHT ON MY RAT AT NIGHT AND IT GAVE IT CANCER. AND A 75$ VET BILL. AND THREE DAYS LATER I HAD TO DIG A HOLE. :( REMEMBER HTHT

  4. Ok, you don't want a baby. Get a mouse over 3 weeks of age. Also you will need TWO, NOT one, since mice are very social animals. Please get two females! (DO NOT BUY two males, they will fight to the death.) You will need a ten-gallon aquarium, a wheel, (try to avoid a wire one.) a ceramic food dish, mouse food, (a seed mixture) a water bottle, water, carefresh bedding, ( DO NOT use cedar or pine, this can kill your mice.) and, some wood mouse toys. Ok, for care you need to clean the cage twice a week and feed them daily. For more info, googe pet mice.

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