
How do you carefully take your 8year old son home when he's asleep?

by Guest63493  |  earlier

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he is asleep but i dont want to wake him up




  1. hes 10, it wont kill him to wake him up, if you are worried about it try to be home before he goes to sleep, most 10 year olds dont go to sleep very early, given the opportunity.

  2. If my husband is with us then he will pick him up and carry him into his room and lay him down no problem and he sleeps right through it.  If I am on my own then I have no choice but to wke him up to get him in bed as he might be 8 but he is already 5' and weighs almost 90 pounds.

  3. if you're strong enough, carry him to the car and strap him in.  provide a pillow and blanket for warmth.  carry him into the home and into bed.

  4. My guy is heavy, so I wake him up and then put him in bed. At this age, he will fall right back asleep. Mine always does.

  5. Home from where? How far? If he wakes up, he wakes up. He will survive-- be gentle and loving.

  6. Just wake him up and help him walk to where ever you need to go to get home.

  7. I always head home before they fall asleep. They are too big and heavy to carry. I would have to wake them up.

  8. Mine is as tall as I am.. I have to wake him up.

  9. just lift him carefully  if he's small in body and walk that's all, i d think it's that hard.

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