
How do you catch a man cheating ?

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that's the big question that i think everybody should ask how do you catch a man cheating not just a man but a women too. I'm asking this question because i think my husband is cheating on me the reason why I'm thinking because he has changed so much lately




  1. I think you have pretty well answered your own question and it is an awful feeling to think that anybody is cheating on you; however it would be terrible if you thought that and he actually wasn't and was just going through a mid life crisis or something like that, so be very sure before you point any fingers. My ex cheated on me on several occasions and I did actually know, but I chose to ignore it because it was a whole lot easier, but I really think that you will see all the signs, like dressing up a bit more, taking more care of appearances, new clothes, mental distance, needing more time alone, listening to different music, not going to family functions with you and the usual ones like working later etc. Just a word of advice though, if you do find out and he is cheating on you, please don't jump off the deep end.  Sit down and quietly think about your future and what it is YOU want, because I acted too quickly and lost the lot!  Take care and good luck.

  2. Set a trap.

    Bait with p*s*y.

  3. call cheaters

  4. check his cell, body language tells alot also, he will pay less attention to u, become more selfish,bathe more often, he may say he is working over or find reasons to leave the house. he won't be paying attention to u much at all, he will seem as if he is in another world. your intuition will tell u there is something not quite right but u won't be able to put your finger on it, because men try to keep it a secret, at least until he is ready to walk out the door.if i had it to do over again, i would have followed him, or had someone do it, because its always best to know the truth than to be deceived, and end up being the last to know.he may fault find, talk down to u in front of others, show less respect for u,they will begin to change drastically when they cheat, because they are under the influence of another and what the heart follows they become.

  5. my mother always told me if you think something is going on then honey something is going on.  girl you better look through that phone and follow him around without you knowing and never tell your friends or family that you are doing this because you never know he could be cheating with one of them.  If you cant follow him yourself hire a PI they are not that expensive..  I told my ex husband i was going out of town for the weekend (family emergency) came back saturday night and he was in our home with my so called friend.

  6. Watch for signs:

    Wants less s*x

    Makes excuses to go out

    Doesn't answer his phone

    Starting to dress better/look better

    Is being secretive

    Being cold towards you or more attentive

    Check his cell phone, internet history etc. Best wishes!!!

  7. I will have to say he is cheating, but don't feel alone that is what the society has turned into, sick cheating spouses both men and women alike.

    Well start asking him to do things that you used to do together and see how he acts when it comes to s*x he may be very cold my ex was never wanted it and was real secretive when her phone rang just pay attention and build your case cause once they know your on to them they will be more careful so let him play sooner or later you will catch him and have all the proof to show him. Be the detective and you will catch everything going on. All affairs in my opinion are just flings and when they get caught they die and some of them just die a natural death meaning the affairs. If they end up in marriage of there own guarenteed they will not last, cause they are built on lies. They will want to be friends with you and who knows what else my ex wants friendship and it has takin a long time to walk away from her cause the false hope she gave me but I feel I am truly done with her now and I know that makes her feel guilty cause I helped her raise her son from a year old and he is 20 and lives with me, and so many other things. I will no longer talk to her. I said to her in the beginning I want it all or nothing and now I am not playing her games. Sorry it was a little long but I have NO RESPECT FOR PEOPLE LIKE THAT !!!

  8. We are far too stupid (no matter how smart we think we are) to be "cheating" and not get caught. If he completely changes his behavior  and activities and does not have interest in you, then he has something going on. At least he is confused about his current situation. This goes for men and women.

  9. always finding fault with you. distracted easily and always deep in thoughts. very secretive and kept asking for his own space. guard his mobile phone wherever he goes.changed person because of his guilt feelings and he's in denial state. stay calm and face it even when you have the answer.  

  10. You don't have to catch anyone cheating. Ask yourself if you really want to catch your husband or wife cheating on you in (in the act)? Most people don't want too (regardless of how much the claim they do). And you know in your heart of hearts if someone is cheating on you. You really don't need proof for that.

    But be vary weary of accusing someone of cheating. Because sometimes laying such a serious blame on your husband can cause him to actually go out and do it. Just because he's changed it doesn't mean that he's being unfaithful. He could have made the drastic changes, because he see's the same changes in you. So make sure you're doing the same things you did to get him in the beginning of the relationship, in order to keep him.  

  11. I like this site a lot:

    Some of it is funny but a lot of it is practical. Be sure to include the "tripod," otherwise it's just a junk site.

    I hope that he's not. And I hope you know that no matter what, you will be okay. Good luck.

  12. Follow him or have someone else like a friend follow him.

  13. Most people who are cheating and sending emails to their lover are smart enough to delete the emails in their "in box" don't remember that every time they send an email it goes in their "sent box" and don't delete that too. Also everything you delete goes into your "trash" and if you don't empty your trash, then you can pull up and read everything that was deleted.

    Next....check your husband's cell phone for calls and texts received and his phone book.

    When he's in the shower, go through his wallet for phone numbers and photos.

    If you are getting phone calls and when you answer the phone, the person hangs up and you suspect a woman is calling your husband and hanging up when you answer, then....put a block on your phone so that you can only receive phone calls that show their phone number on your caller ID. If they are blocking their phone number, then the call won't go through unless they unblock their number.

    If you think maybe a woman is calling and talking to your husband when you aren't home and your husband is erasing her phone number on your caller ID, then buy a caller ID box, plug it in and put it under your bed, then without your husband knowing, check it when you get home.

    If you can afford a private detective, then do it. If not, then when you know you husband is planning on going out, then have a friend park her car a couple of houses down the street from your house. When your husband leaves the house, get in her car and the both of you follow him. Remember to bring your camera to take pictures for proof.

    If your husband is staying at work late, then have your friend drive you to his job, park in a good place and wait to see if he leaves work on time and drives to some other place before going home. If possible, drive to his job at lunch time and see where he goes for lunch and who is with him.

    If a woman DOES NOT have a history of being the jealous type, where she always thinks the man she is with is cheating or flirting, then the chances are, if she suspects that her husband is cheating on her, then the chances are he is.

    You must remember something though, if you are going to play detective, be prepared ahead of time, what you are going to do if you find out he is cheating on you. Finding out he is cheating and then do nothing about it, it will only cause you to have to live with the daily pain of knowing that while you stay quiet and play the fool, he is in bed with some other woman. So be very sure you want to know.

  14. Start by registering his phone on-line, that way you can see all incoming,outgoing calls, and text messages from his phone. If that doesn't help, you could use GPS tracking and follow him.....and last but not least you could get his voicemail password (done when you register phone on line) and checks his voice mails.

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