
How do you catch a thief without cameras?

by  |  earlier

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At my soccer practice, things have been getting taken lately. My phone was stolen. I got a new one, and it was stolen again! My friend's wallet was taken, and recently we found a soccer bag with some stolen things in it in a porta-potty. I want to catch him in the act again, but I can't set up cameras. What can I do?




  1. Have someone guard the room, or take the bags to the field so they are in sight at all times. If you think its a team mate do bag searches, innocent people have nothing to hide.

  2. Set up a dummy bag with a loud remote controlled siren in it (Ask radio shack or google it). When the thug steals, activate the siren and catch the culprit! (If he's still around) Or, tell everyone to watch what they leave or bring locks for the lockers!

  3. Hideout and wait for them. Then when you see them call the police.  Provide as much detail as you possibly can.  If your lucky the police will catch up with whomever it is and recover the stolen merchandise and arrest the theif.

  4. Call the police, tell them to guard the area for a while and get him on the act,

    ask for a civil cop they might sent one for an hour if you tell them someone is robbing

  5. Are they stealing it from your gym bag on the field?  If so, buy a tiny luggage lock.  They sell them with a three digit combination for the lock. If you are worried about your bag vanishing ask a friend if you can use a bike lock and tie the two together.

    I hate thieves, and even if you catch them it is too much aggravation and money to prosecute them and see them get community service.  Besides they will come back and do worse to you.  

    Prevention is the best bet.  Perhaps pass a flyer around to all players that a thief is in your midst and to lend a set of eyes to stop crime.

    HOPE this helps,


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