
How do you catch arceus pokemon diamond?

by  |  earlier

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  1. goohjgfvrrf  gehntdbgreehkferyh ertjb.

  2. u can allso jjust use the code mistery ticket go to canalave city go to the mart. and after that go north in canalave, u will see a house u can now join the house name of house is harbor in... the man in there will take u to the sailer. the sailer view u his son who have night mare. he ask u to help him. he sail to new moon island and the go in the forest. and then u wil see darkkrai. and if u want to catch arceus, use the code name arceus go to the nearlist mart and then talk to the boy in green. he give u a gift name something like a flute. go to where u catch dialga ore palkia. u wil se a big ladder come just forward u go up and u wil see arceus. i hope it helps

  3. um all ppl are me too crack your face open

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