
How do you catch someone who vandalized your house?

by  |  earlier

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someone tp'd my house and wrote in sharpie on my driveway and on my garage doors a bunch of stuff like _____ is a ***** and suck my wiener and they drew a p***s. they left behind a water bottle and the pen so the police came and took pics and took the bottle and pen so if i have a good reason to believe that i have found the culprit, they can do fingerprint testing. and ps. the word that got filtered is one that starts with a b and ends with an h




  1. call the drama police! No, seriously just let the police do their job and hopefully you'll catch them. however they were probably minors and dont have any prints on file w/police   good luck

  2. Let the police do their job.  In the meantime, get a security sytem installed.

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