
How do you celebrate christmas?

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do you just get up early and open presents or do you go on holiday or what?




  1. We slap our beaver pelts.

  2. we normaly get up about 8am, open stockings (im 21 and still insist on having a stocking!!!) then we open presents together at about 9. big full english breakfast at about 10, then we all just hang about in the house drinkin n stuff until about 2 when my bro n sis come over and we all eat christmas dinner (prawn cocktail for starter, turkey for main, christmas pud/christmas cake for dessert) and then we spend the evening just drinking n watching tv or i usually go to my boyfriends.

  3. Christmas eve we pray and thank God for Jesus we remind the kids that Jesus is the reason for the season, we read the scriptures telling about how he was born etc. The morning of we eat a big breakfast and then we open presents and make calls. Some times we deliver sumptous breakfasts to family members, go caroling and let the kids keep the money anyone might offer, we're outside for hours.

  4. during december we put little gifts under the tree and than on christmas eve i rap the ones santa brought and put those under the tree when everyone is asleep and i stuff the stocking with 1 orange 1 apple and hard candy :) than i wake everyone up in the morning and take pictures open presents and start christmas dinner :) that is the way dad did it for us:)  

  5. Rounds of food, drink, festivities. First one Christmas eve with relatives, a christmas lunch with the same relatives and godparents,  then a boxing day lunch with mates.

    There is the usual tree and food bits at home for people coming round randomly usually starting a few days before and occasionally all the way to a last get together on 12th night.

    Exchanging of gifts limited only by budget and imagination.

  6. Well in my house it's just me and my boyfriend but we still try to have as much fun as possible. We get up around 6.30 - 7.30am and open all of our gifts. When we've finished we eat our breakfast (candy cane cocoa and gingerbread pancakes). After that we'll usually look at all of our presents and then call our families and say thanks for the gifts that they bought us. We'll probably just watch christmas TV and look at our gifts until 11am which is when I'll start cooking. Dinner will usually be ready around 12.30 - 1pm. We never have traditional but instead have a big feast with a different country's food each year, (i.e China: Noodles, Curries, Pork Balls, Prawn Toast etc.) this year we're having mexican: chicken enchiladas, chilli con carne, refried beans, rice, tortillas with cheese, salad.

    We will have chocolate chilli torte for dessert as I think that's kind of mexican and we're gonna have champagne margharita's to drink. We'll probably go to one of our parents for a christmas buffet dinner at around 4pm where we'll eat, drink and be merry!

    This christmas will be especially great as my partner and I are getting married on December 20th! Can't wait! Great Q, I love christmas, - you've made my day! x

  7. We always have a supper for friends on Christmas Eve.

    Its always something light and we have really lovely crackers.

    Its all over by 10pm but its a nice start to the holiday.

    Christmas day we get up early, go and do the horses and then come back in.  Stockings are then done and dusted which is always great fun and are hung on the chairs around the kitchen table where we have breakfast.

    We then put the turkey in.

    Then we put on christmas music and have a great time with all the guests pitching in doing stuff for the dinner.

    About lunchtime we have bucks fizz, smoked salmon, fresh cooked ham and bread and salad, with mince pies after.

    Then we all done wellies and jackets and en masse we take the dogs tramping across the fields, singing christmas carols and telling jokes.

    Collect the horses on the way back in and feed them and then come indoors.

    Big tray of tea and cake and mince pies is taken in to the big room in front of the fire and then we settle down to open the presents under the tree.

    After that its time for a nap, a bath, and those doing the dinner disappear to the kitchen.

    Then about 7.30 we have christmas dinner, everyone dressed up, and its by candlelight.  After dinner we play cards until the early hours of the morning.

    At midnight the men go do cold meats, pickles, tea, coffee, cheese and biscuits - and there always seems to be room for it too!

    We end up with coffee and liquers around the fire about 2-3am and then toddle off to bed.

    It is quite quite magical!!

  8. I Like to put a dead tree in the middle of my home, set fire to a perfectly good dessert, and pull strange items that go BANG! only for me to get a pointless prize, and cover everything in lights


  9. we wait until christmas morning then we would normally open what santa left the night before....then we have a big breakfast and then get dressed in our best clothes. we then open the pressies we bought each other and then after that have our xmas roast dinner! in the evening we play familly games and play with all our new toys hehe merry christmas!!!

  10. Both ! but , how do you celeb christmas ? i think you should make some cookies have shapes of Santa Clause , christmas hat,christmas tree and most importantly : you should invite your friends to your house and have a party ! That's how i do ! Have fun

  11. on Christmas day you get to open presents and give them to family and friends. most people have a Christmas dinner with turkey, roast potatoes and veg then probably pull some crackers  

  12. christmas eve we would go to bed early and wait for santa.when we were small we would get up really early and open our presents,go to mass,play all day and then have a big huge nice turkey dinner. after dinner we would be so full that we would watch tv and have a nap by the fire.then maybe go to out grandparents house, when we got home that evening and play with our presents again.

    now things have changed cuz im the parent now and have to stay up christmas eve and make and puts the toys together,but Christmas is really for the kids, its way more exciting when they believe in santa,what are your plans?

  13. we hang crocodial heads all over the place and eat the brains, in a nice pudding,

  14. Hmm..

    Christmas eve me and my sister get ONE gift and it is ALWAYS pjs! and on Christmas:

    0. I put cards in everyones stockings saying Merry Christmas blah blah blah ( no they don't actually say that ) from Melissa, and i put my dogs present in her stocking ( it is Christmas for everything and everybody =) ) Then i stay up with my sister, mom dad and dog and watch Christmas tv specials, check every few minutes and when Santa is near me and my sister go to bed, Christmas day goes like this:

    1.Wake up unreasonably early ( lol! )

    2.Wake up mom and dad and sister ( and dog! )

    3.Open stockings

    4.Either go back to bed or if it is like 7:00am then stay up

    5.Get table full of food ready

    6.Everyone else comes at 9:00am

    7.Present opening at about 9:15

    8. Ends at about 11:00am or Noon

    9.Christmas dinner takes to the oven!

    10. Everyone checks out the awesome stuff we got

    11. a few hours later dinner is ready and on the table

    12. Everyone grabs a plate full

    13. We say grace

    14.We eat as much as we can!!!

    15.Pumpkin pie for dessert!!

    16. All the aunts,uncles,grandparents stay for a while

    17. adults have coffee and chat about whatever they chat about lol!

    18.Its usually dark now, so everyone starts to slowly leave....

    19. I get sad.. because Christmas is over.

    20. I don't want it to be a whole year for it to come again

    21. and i forgot, i thank everyone 1millionbillion times!!

    22.I stay up late as late can get on Christmas just to soak up all of it!

    23. I pray at night, then go to bed.

    On December 26th, i am eating Turkey and mashed potatoes for breakfast,lunch,AND dinner ( yum!!! my favourite ) With loads of gravy and Milk!

    That is my familys Christmas in SIMPLIEST form, it could easily get way more detailed, I hope your Christmas is a great one!! =)

    Merry Early Christmas!!!

  15. I am a Pagan and so I celebrate the Winter Solstice on the 21st of December.

    I have a feast of roasted meat etc and ale and then have a Bale fire in the garden with music and dancing.  

  16. Go to church eat christmas dinner,open presents go to sleep wake up early in the morning and see the presents ''santa claus" brought us.

    And have a nice breakfest and play with whatever we got!


    I love christmas!

  17. spend it with family and friends and rememebr the true meaning of christmas. its the birth date of Jesus.

    its not just about getting presents

  18. I pull crackers

  19. get up early and open presents under the tree. also, we always have a nice fancy dinner with turkey and ham.  

  20. Dont get up early.  Just spend it with the family at home eating Turkey and watching naff things on the tv.  This year will be different however so might go away for it.

  21. I don't celebrate Christmas at all....because I'm not a Christian.

  22. Christmas Eve, my father and I have a big lobster dinner and open one present each. Then Christmas morning, we sleep in, have pancake for breakfast and open the rest of the gifts while we eat in the living room. In the afternoon, we get all dressed up and go to my aunt's house for a big Chistmas lunch/dinner of prime rib, homemade lasagna with fresh pasta, antipasto, salad, fresh bread and my favorite, capelletti en brodo, or what we call Christmas soup! I only get it once a year but its a heavenly dish! After we're all stuffed, we open all the rest of the presents from my aunt, uncle, cousins and grandmother and spend the rest of the day, lying around and talking. Its wonderful!

  23. too much food..too much family..not enough alcahol lol

  24. The materialistic American way. Forget the true meaning. Ignore mass and focus on material goods. When you don't get that iphone under the tree, use the lords name in vein. It's so sad but so true.

  25. Im almost allways at home with my family. A night befire we cook some delicious meal and whach some Christmas-related movie.On the christmas morning I wake up quit early and lay the dinner table for the evening. Just the tableware to make the living room look more christmasy. Around 6 pm we go to church and when we're back its time to have the dinner. Around midnight we open the presents. Every person who gets a present has to  rattle off some christmas rhyme. :)

  26. Depends on countries, in estonia we, don't grab gifts from ground and open them, we wait for "fake" santa clause! :D

    Well, about in the evening the presents just suddenly appear under the tree while "everyone" else are in other places, but Holiday is a good idea also, a little vacation or something like that,

    God Bless You

  27. Lots of food and drink, a few board game sand Christmas Top of the pops if its still on! ANd lots of presents! i LOVE Christmas and cannot wait!

  28. i celebrate it when it is christmas, dude it not even halloween yet....calm down.

    your depressing me here

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