
How do you celebrate the 4th of July with your young children?

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My girls are ages 5 and 3, and they LOVE fireworks, but their normal bedtime is 8 and if I push it much past that, there are negative effects the next day (to put it mildly). Does anyone have any cool ideas how to make the 4th more kid- friendly (there are no parades here, unfortunately)? I am considering trying to force them to nap during the day so they can stay up late, but I'm not sure whether that will work out or not. Thanks!




  1. Well, if you can, you should go to the fireworks, as I always loved that when I was little. You guys could have a picnic during the day somewhere outside, and the when it starts to get dark you could supervise them using some little sparklers, and they can try writing their names in the air and such. That's always fun. You could even set up a tent outside maybe, or have a bonfire if you have the means. Whatever you do, have fun!

  2. you should use some kid friendly fireworks (i know that sounds weird) you could play with sparklers, cherry bombs (they just make smoke) and you could play with poppers. you guys could decorate red, white and blue and have a BBQ, you could play with the sparklers at night and the other things in the evening time right before it gets dark. maybe you could push their bed time bak to 9 but if everything is done correctly, they could be in bed by 8. another thing you could try instead of a BBQ is making red white and blue pancakes, (you could mix strawberry and blueberry pancake mix and add whip cream) for breakfast and then for the rest of the day you could come up with ways to incorporate those colors into their meals. maybe invite some friends over for lunch time and have them out of the house by like 4 (party from 1100-400). i hope this helps, have a good 4th

  3. pop the fire works for them, or let them help...justt becaareful

  4. umm. u could do a barb-q and if they love fireworks, u could buy fireworks & do them in ur driveway. that's what my neighbors do. u coud have some of their friends over 2! good luck:]

    my nephew is 4 so i kinda know what he likes

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