
How do you change a poopy diaper from a 3 year old who constantly fights and kicks me?

by Guest32348  |  earlier

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any advice? distractions i can use?




  1. No favorite TV show, or Video or favorite toys if the child acts out like that.  

    A child that age should already be a big girl or big boy and go on the toilet unless they have a medical or mental problem.  The child should not be fighting and kicking either.  Maybe he/she likes having poopy a diaper.

    I put pull-ups on my 2 1/2 year old G-son.  They say boys are harder to train.  He would not dare fight or kick when I change him, and he knows it too.

  2. Potty training...

  3. 3 year olds shouldnt still be in diapers! Try to take him/her to the potty, if she/hes fighting you with diapers maybe its time for big people underwear

  4. One family in my daycare was trying to get their 3 year old potty trained, peeing on the potty was no problem, but pooping... was a major issue.  Finally they decided to have the child clean up herself, obviously you would have to go back and make sure everything was cleaned off... but that really helped get her out of a diaper/pull up.  They used those KanDoo wipes, but i'm sure any regular wipe would work to help your child (and you) out!  Hope this helps!

  5. It's time to start potty training! Or if you don't want to do this and he still fights and kicks, let him sit in it for a few hours. When he gets a painful rash he'll realize he has to let you change him.

  6. Does he fight and kick you while you are changing him?  Maybe he likes the poopy diaper?  Or is something hurting him down there while you are changing him and he can't tell you?  Has he always been this way when changing him?  I am asking these questions wondering if something more serious is going on.

  7. Hershey's kisses, that worked for me...he'll only p**p once a day so one Hershey's kiss a day is not so bad.

  8. well, i hate to say this but i would have to spank my child if they kept doing this and getting p**p everywhere. Its okay to spank your child as long as its on their but. You need to let him know who is boss!

  9. I always tried the if you lay still and hold this (choose a special item they would like) they can have a treat afterwards. By giving them something to hold this occupies their attention, leaving you able to get done. Plus a treat is always an incentive! Also, I just want to point out, you should be transitioning your child on the potty around this age. Here are some tips from my site.

    1. Try encouraging your child with a reward. Every time they can go to the potty without wetting their pants, they get a treat (candy, toy, etc…). I tried this with my nephew and he definitely loved it. He was so excited to show me he went potty all by himself. It may take a few tries before they get the hang of it but once they do it’s all uphill from there.

    2. Use a prop for your child. One of my favorites that I use with Jacqueline is the potty undies. We picked a pair of undies that has a cartoon character she loves (in this case strawberry shortcake) and I tell her, “Make sure you don’t get Strawberry all wet. She doesn’t like that very much.” So now when she goes potty she finds me afterwards to show me Strawberry is still dry.

    The main idea is to entertain the child and make it seem like going potty is a game. Children hate work and love fun, so why not make potty time fun for them. Trust me your child will absolutely love one of the top two ideas. Good Luck!  

  10. Why is your 3 year old still in diapers?  I think it's time to start potty training.

  11. It sounds like your 3 year old is a spoiled brat.  I dont mean to be rude or mean, but he is getting over on you big time.  I say "he" because I assume it is a boy, most boys are like that at that age.  You are probably being too easy on him and he can get away with kicking and fighting.  You cant make him potty train overnight, I understand that, as I am sure you will receive tons of criticism on here for that.  Nonetheless, I would first work on who is the boss around there, then work out the potty training issue later.  Good luck to you, dont be afraid to put your foot down, it is NOT okay to kick you!!!!  

  12. It sounds like the 3 year old needs to use the toilet.  If they have no diaper on, it won't be a problem.

  13. My twins do this, i put my leg across their bodies not hard just so they cant sit up(sort of arched) as long as you sit at an angle u should be able to im 5ft 4 and i sit on one knee and block the running away lol, and i basically just take being kicked face b***s where ever really, they r 17mths old and always like this!!!! and nearly always have been!

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