
How do you change leads at a lope?

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I'm obviously not an extremely experienced rider, and I know what a lead change is but just not how to execute one. Thorough answers appreciated! <3




  1. There are &quot;simple changes&quot; and &quot;flying changes.&quot;

    First, I&#039;m assuming you know how to get the correct lead.  In the simple change, get the horse cantering on one lead.  Feel how his body bends towards that lead.  Slow to a walk for 3-4 steps, changing that bend to the other lead at the walk by giving leg pressure on the new lead side until he&#039;s bending ever so slightly that way.  Then, release that leg pressure and cue him to canter by putting your leg on him behind the girth on the other side and clicking to him.  He should  go on the new lead nicely.

    Once you and the horse have mastered the simple change, you can try the flying change.  Basically, you do all the prep work you did at the walk above in the moment of suspension between two strides.  The main thing is to change the bend of his body with one leg (and hands as necessary) and cue with the other leg,

    The best way to get started on a flying change is by doing figure eights.  Canter in one direction; when you get to the middle you&#039;ll be drastically changing direction to the other lead, which willhelp change the bend of his body.  At the moment of change.give him a little half halt, pull his head into the new direction and use your leg to change his bend, then cue him with the outside leg.  

    If he doesn&#039;t know his lead changes, it may help to put a pole on the ground where you&#039;ll be changing leads.  THis accentuates the moment of suspension and gives him more time to get everything happening.

    This is easy for some horses and very difficult for others.  Practice makes perfect.

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