
How do you change the settings on a group?

by  |  earlier

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I just started a Yahoo Group and in my zeal and ignorance mistakenly set the group where I have to approve every message of new members. Where can I change this feature? I don't want to have to approve every message.




  1. Not really sure where to change it on your end. Try the settings.

  2. Click management, lower left on your group;'s home page.  I n the next window click messages.  scroll down to  posting and archives and click  edit . Then tick  your wishes click save changes.  Edit.  sorry Mo I was writing while you were posting.

  3. you might want to rethink that... at least for a while, until you see what kind of things are being posted.

  4. left tabs on homepage click management- under group settings click messages- next page Posting and Archives (Edit) <-- click the edit- 3rd column Moderation check either new members OR Unmoderated - click save changes-


    this will only affect those who join after this setting change. members now prior to this remain on the previous setting that you had, lets say no moderation.

    ALSO- to Unmoderate members

    these members stay moderated until you individually reset each one and here's how (this is also how you'd moderate a member who needs it)

    locate said member is members list- click edit membership below their ID- Posting Messages: Override: This member's posts are always moderated (Edit) <-- click the edit

    next page choose either

    * Messages posted by this member are not moderated.

    * Messages posted by this member are moderated.

    click save changes

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