
How do you check your cervix to determine that you are ovulating?

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How do you check your cervix to determine that you are ovulating?




  1. You should check your cervix and cervical mucus.

    To check your cervix you should insert your index finger and thumb into your v****a until you feel your cervix. Gently squeeze to feel the texture. It may take several cycles to get used to how your cervix reacts during your cycle.

    Interpreting your results:

    Not fertile --- Cervix will be harder and lower (hard means that it will be about the feel of the tip of your nose)

    Feritle --- Cervix will be high and soft (soft means that it will be about the feel of your lips)


    Checking cervical mucus:

    After checking the position and texture of your cervix, you should pull your fingers from your v****a, and observe the fluid between your index finger and thumb.

    Interpreting your results:

    Moist or sticky(will be observed early in cycle) is not fertile cervical mucus and is recognized by the way that it holds it's shape, it will not stretch between the two fingers.

    Wet(should come following moist or sticky) is also not fertile cervical mucus, and is recognized by the way it is more wattery, and doesn't stretch between the fingers, it may also be cloudy.

    Egg white(should follow the wet stage) this is your fertile cervical mucus, it is recognized because it is clear and is more stretchy

    You may aloso note that their may be a day of dry cervical mucus between the wet and egg white cervical mucus.


    ~*~*~BABY DUST~*~*~

  2. Dr's tell u to not even worry about the cervix. It's hard to read and can ultimitely mess u up when ttc. I would stick w/ OPK's or a fertility monitor when ttc or even EWCM. just stay away from the cervix.  

  3. This site explains it pretty clearly:

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