
How do you choose your career?

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i'm good at bio. i love chemistry and physics has always been interesting. i know i want to go into the science stream. but, after that i'm stuck. how do you decide what you want to pursue as your career?

i've 2 years left to finish school.




  1. I had no idea what I wanted to do. When we were at school and had to write down what universities we wanted to go to I asked the girl next to me what she was doing. She wanted to be a gym teacher so I wrote that down as well. I got in she didn't. I now love it!

  2. Sometimes it happens upon you.  But go out an research.  Check out some industries and businesses that use all of these sciences.  You may still be in high school so if you have two year left you are fine since you have about 2 years in college before you have to declare a major.  But the fun thing is the discovery.  Taking the route of doctor is not always the most fun in science.  Sometimes engineering can be exciting too.  I love the sciences and there are sooo many routes to explore.  Also know this we rarely remain in the same field our entire lives we switch at least once so you don't have to get it right the first time.  And later in life you can change it into something else!  Good Luck sounds like tons of fun!

  3. you love chemistry and physics and your good at it?

    you still have 2 years left. you'll probably enjoy one over the other and will probably be good at one over the other.

    give it some time

  4. Well you have awhile yet your ideas of what you may want to be could change but if you are that worried about it maybe consider talking to your careers adviser most schools have one.

  5. I did not choose my career... it chose me.

    I was unable to find work doing anything related to my major because of budget cuts and hiring freezes (happened at the end of my junior year). had to pay bills so I went into the trades. decent pay, enough to live on.

    eventually I was contacted by a local college becaue of my standing within the industry and was on an advisory board, and I took the job teachng in this field. Now I am an administrator.

    I had never conceived that this would be my career....

    in your lifetime, you will likely change jobs 7 times and careers 4.

    Advice: relax and keep your hands inside the boat!

  6. you are good at bio and you have an interset in physics and chemistry i think you can take up bio related studies which have an influence of physics chem like bio engineerin, biomedical engineering,biotechnology etc .The two years ahead will help you to decide upon your interest and you can very well ask your teachers and friends about the details of the courses and its prospects

  7. Talk to your counselor about having a test taken to point you in the right direction, or your can get a list of the different fields in which your degree would be used.  Look under science careers, Biology careers, Chemistry Careers, etc....

    Chemistry Careers

    Biology Careers

    Scan them and get info on the ones that look interesting to you.  You can probably get some of your info from the college counselors.  They are there to help guide you, so make use of them.

  8. Do several work experience placements,

    Talk to teachers/ career advisors

    Family and friends older than you that have been in your position recently.

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