
How do you clean a scrub brush?

by  |  earlier

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All the grime and cleaning product seems to just have gotten pushed up the bristles and there it stays. Cleaning the brush now looks just as bad as cleaning the porch was. Is there any way to save the brush? It was brand new and still looks good, just dirty, thanks, C.




  1. try pouring a little Clorox bleach over the brush. Bleach sanitizes.

  2. run it through the dishwasher

  3. if its not the toilet brush, then i would put it through the dishwasher!! thats what i do with mine bout 1-2 times a week..  top rack!! if you use sponges... put them in there every time you run the dishwasher.. I hate sponges they just absorb bacteria. I only get them if i have to use the scrubber!!

  4. Do you have a dishwasher?  I'd try that.  I use old toothbrushes for scrubbing some things, and they look NASTY when they are dirty!  I leave them in one section of my flatware section in the dishwasher, and when I need one, it' s there. You can put it in like a foil loaf pan with some bleach/water first, and see if that helps.

    Good Luck!

  5. i dunno boil it in some water

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