
How do you clean s***n from the carpet?

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My son has decided that a certain spot on the carpet in the computer room would be a spot for him to "release stuff" after he finishes watching certain "videos" and it has caused the carpet to form a mild stench and made pieces of the carpet hard. Is there anyway to return the carpet to its original state with any cleaning supplies? if so please tell me what I will need and need to do. Thank you.




  1. That's a lot of backstory for a simple protein stain.  (I just threw up a little in my mouth.)

    Spray a diluted mixture of water and dishwashing liquid on it and let it sit a while.  Rinse it with a damp white cloth and tepid water.  If it's CDC level, try an an enzyme spray like Shout and rinse the same.

    Since he feels so comfortable leaving his mark in areas the entire family uses, his room must be some sort of ground zero.

  2. First you don't want to clean that area.

    Your son needs to clean that area, he has to much free time on his hands (and who knows what else)

  3. Use oxyclean just sprinkle it over the areas dry and then spray mist it down with water till it gets pretty soaked and let it sit for about 10 minutes.  then take a hard metal scraper and scrape it and then take a rug shampooer and go to it.  But if you do all that first before the shampooer that is the best professional way to get out anything in a carpet because once you start scrubbing and don't get it all out then it's too late because you usually only get one chance.


  5. Probably carpet cleaner.  I'm sure you've embarrassed the h**l out of him by posting this online.  hahaha

  6. First scrape off the hard stuff.....pretend it's dried egg white.  Since s***n is a protein, avoid hot water, it sets the stains.  Start by wetting the area with just plain water and blotting with water and paper towel, toilet paper, tissue, what ever to soak up the water.  

    Then work in a clothes pretreatment material such as Shout.  Work into the damp carpet and let it sit awhile, maybe misting with water to keep it moist.  After an hour or so, try washing with a premixed washing detergent in water.  Blot, blot, blot.  Then rinse well with water, blotting well.  You don't want to saturate all the way down to the pad underneath, just clean the fibers.  

    I suspect a carpet cleaning machine you rent would work fine after the Shout treatment.  

    I'd avoid using hydrogen peroxide (which works great on blood stains) until an area could be tested for color fastness.  Hence I'd avoid anything like OxyClean until an area could be tested.

    You must break apart the protein molecules, I think Shout should do that, then any type of cleaner should take up the rest.

  7. First of all I want to say this , I think that you should make your son take responsibilty for what he has done and make him clean that mess up him self . Basically  it will be easy to clean up , the cheapest and easiest way it  get a box of baking soda , and  make a paste out of it , you can use white vinegre  they both remove stains and they kill odors ,  or you can make the paste from baking soda and water , once you have your paste apply it to the spots on the carpet , and get a still scrub brush and scrub  it into the place , once it is no longer stiff , get clean water on a towel and wipe it up , or if you have a shop vac vaccumn that up , and blot with clean water on a towel ,  it may take another time doing this to get it all out but it will work  I know it will my friends son did this at her house and this is what she did i helped her , anyways once you have all the hardness of the carpet back to its normal feel  and have vaccumed it up  sprinkle the baking soda over the spot , and let it sit for about an hour  the baking soda will finish absorbing the odor as well as it will take the rest of the moisture out of teh carpet once dry  vaccumn it up  , if this does not work for you  Get some spray and wash with resolve and spray the place and scrub with a brush and let it sit for 45 minutes then if needed you may have to rent a rug doctor carpet shampooer  , But I wish you good luck , and I hope that i may have helped you some.

  8. First use some soap and water to get the hard stuff out, then spread some baking soda over it and leave it there for a bit. Once done vacuum the spot.  

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