
How do you clean tarnished pennies?

by  |  earlier

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I have some american money I wanted to clean, first I put it in vinegar, I dont know weather it was in there for too long but it started going a funny colour. So I thought I would put it in bleach to get it clean. But now the coins are black!! How do I get them to look shiny and clean again?? Please help. Im from the UK so wanted to keep american coins from holiday.




  1. There's some stuff here in the U.S. called Tarn X. It's really good. They use a penny in the commercials. They just dip it for 3 sec. and the tarnish is gone! It really works too. I'm sure you can get some off the net.

  2. Try mixing a vinegar, baking soda solution to put them in.  Leave for no more than thirty seconds or so and check them.  Rinse with with clear water.  

  3. A very simple solution is to use a steak sauce. Try HP or A1. You'll be surprised at the results.  

  4. Use mayonnaise.  Put it on the penny and let it set for about an hour, then just wipe off.

  5. leave it in your mouth for a few hours and the grime will stick to your tongue leaving a sparkling coin!

  6. submerse in coke or pepsi overnight.

  7. a drop ot Tabasco sauce will make it brand new in seconds-the acid eats the tarnish if its copper

  8. You might not believe it, but you should put them in yoghurt overnight.

    Next day just rinse them off and brush them up with a cloth.

    They will be like new!

  9. Cillit bang!

    and the dirt is gone

    google cillit bang.

  10. Use a pencil eraser and then clean with lemon juice.

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