
How do you clean wooden mini blinds?

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When I bought my house it came with wooden mini blinds in the upstairs living room. I've noticed they're becoming dusty but I have no idea how to clean them. What is the easiest way to go about doing this. I also have a 10 month old so I want to use the safest way possible. Thank you.




  1. 1.  Close the blinds where the dusty side is toward you.

    2.  Take a wisk broom or a regular sized broom and brush them side to side.

    3.  Then, use a vacuum with the soft brush.

    Anything left needs a swiffer - on contact.  This should be quick.  Don't get them wet with a damp cloth unless you commit to wiping every single slat individually.  

    Just keep the baby in the other room.

  2. I have wooden blinds throughout in my home (and a little one as well, so I understand the concern for safe cleaners!)

    What I do is, I take the blinds outside and squirt them down with the hose, add some Murphy's Oil Soap to an snow brush (I know, sounds strange, but it works like a charm!), rinse clean, and let them dry in the sun. I do this every year. I also use fabric softener dryer sheets in the winter months for a quick clean. The softener on the sheet acts as a barrier, so it actually repels dust.

    Hope this helps! Good luck!

  3. Do not use water or chemical cleaners on wood blinds, instead use a old soft paintbrush just brush the blinds with the brush thats it they will be free of dust Good Luck !

  4. Murphy's Oil soap works well on all wood.  Just follod the directions and you should be good.  It works for me!

  5. Murphy's Oil Soap and water.  Wash them with this using a rag.

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