
How do you clean your Cd drive if it cant tell you've got a disk in??

by Guest66515  |  earlier

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How do you clean your Cd drive if it cant tell you've got a disk in??




  1. You have to remove the drive and dismantle it. Then use alcohol and a cotton bud to clean the lense.

  2. I had to take a makeup brush and gently clean the teensy-weensy lens.

    Then the drive worked great.  It could read/detect again.

  3. buy a lens cleaning solution from the store,  even contact lens cleaning solution will do.

    literally dismantle the cd drive (i've done it millions of times)

    dab the lens solution on to some cloth that does not spread the threads, clean the lens,

    put back the stuff. n volla ur good to go

  4. im not sure what you mean by this?

    to tell if youve got a CD in it go to my computer and there will be the CD tray icon which will say there is something in there

    If the tray is stuck there will be near the open button a small hole. Just stick a straight part of a paper clip in there and it will pop open and you can take the CD out

    Cleaning it just get a lens cleaner that is just a CD and it will clean the lens. Also blasting some pressurised air in there ot get dust.

    Hopefully this is something close to what you want

  5. It's VERY hard if you cannot see the lense.

    if your using a desktop pc it's very hard, as you cannot see the lense which read the disk.

    unless you want to stick a cloth down the drive, it's hard to do without opening it up. XD


  6. You can buy a lense cleaner, its a cd with a tiny brush on it.

  7. If it's a laptop it's easy. Just eject the drive and give it a gentle clean with a cotton bud.

    If it is on a desktop - it may well be worth just getting a new CD drive. They cost about £15 and it easier than taking it apart and putting it back together.

    Good luck!

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