
How do you collect a VERY large sum of money from a large company?

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I'm trying to colect a large sum from a comany. I worked closely with the chief executive. We never spoke in person but we communicated through commercial chanels. Any clues as to how I would going about doing this?




  1. If they owe you a very high amount of money, you may want to get a lawyer and sue the company.  The Big company lawyers are expecting this, so you won't see cash any time soon.

    There is a trick that might work.  Try to see, if they need a new order. Offer them a huge discount.  But, as a delivery condition they need to make good on the pending orders.  Of course, once they send the check, cash it soon!  Don't deliver a thing!  If they still owe you quite a lot, get a lawyer.  If not so much, you may need to throw the account to a loss and sell it to (or hire a) collection agency.

  2. Usually, large amounts of cash would be handled by security guards...

    They deliver cash to banks from multiple locations, and they also fill up the automatic teller machines inside supermarkets, casinos or wherever ATMs are located.

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