
How do you comb out backcombed hair?

by Guest66853  |  earlier

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I backcomb my hair but it always goes really sort of 'knotty' and hard to brush out. How do I brush it out safely, without damaging my hair?




  1. brush it downwards, but start from the tips and gradually move up your hair, it puts the cuticle back in place and will prevent knots :)!

  2. Wash your hair and put lots of conditioner in...then use your fingers to get out the knots.  This works!  

  3. don't use a teasing comb or anything with a lot of little teeth.

    try using a flat brush or a wide tooth comb. start brushing out the top of your hair until it's untangled, then moving through more. also try putting in leave in conditioner (i recommend infusium 41) and then brushing it out.  

  4. The best thing to do is to get a comb with wide teeth in it and start at the ends of your hair; get the end untangled then move up a little as you go. Brushing back-combed hair can cause breakage and damage to your hair. Its best to use a wide-tooth comb and be very gentle. Using a spray type of detangler can help too.  

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