
How do you conduct an environmental survey?

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I have do do an environmental survey to assess the environmental quality of a neighbourhood. What aspects should I assess? And how should I rate them? Thanks!




  1. There are a few websites that rate "neighborhoods" by various metrics. Unfortunately, they go by Zip Code, which may be too gross for your use. However, the ideas are there. You might try things like crime (violent crimes and property crimes), trends in housing, trends in employment, home ownership, etc.

  2. There are different aspects to survey here are a few to get started with:

    How "walkable" the area is (what services, stores, restaurants, parks can you walk to).  (see below)

    What is the availability of public transportation?

    A third: Does the municipality offer recycling?  Of what kinds of items?  How much participation is there in the recycling program?

    What is the air quality of the area? (see below)

    How clean is the water (if there are rivers, lakes etc.  as part of the neighborhood)?  Is it safe to boat in?  swim in?  eat fish from?  (the state environment department can help there)

    How clean is the soil?  Has there been a lot of historic contamination from industrial sites?  Has it been cleaned up?  (the state environment department can help there)

  3. You can ask help from your friends or close neighbors to do this. You can write a letter to the authority of your subdivision and inform them that you are conducting this plan. Have them sign it and if possible, interview them of what aspects they too want to assess. So, once you ask people of your neighborhood, you can show them the formal letter signed by the authorized personnel and your activity will appear credible.

    So, they won't ignore it or take it for granted.

    Hope this helps you! Goodluck and keep going =)

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